Ge 6035

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Member (SA)
Does anybody have any insight on this unit? Any good? You guys think it looks "Old School" enough?
Any input would be appreciated!


I Am Legend
welcome to the best site --planetwise :-)

yes - thats a real nice looking // good sounding model.
ge also made a twin for it with an analogue tuner called model # 6000


Staff member
These are very nice with a well balanced sound at normal listening levels. You'll be quite pleased.

And welcome! :-D


Member (SA)
Bass will surprise you.Also it has nice bright highs.Those two GEs are much loved boxes in my collection.They both will outperform a BLOCKBUSTER!The 6000 is prettier in my opinion but their both pretty much the same performance wise.


Member (SA)
Bass will surprise you.Also it has nice bright highs.Those two GEs are much loved boxes in my collection.They both will outperform a BLOCKBUSTER!The 6000 is prettier in my opinion but they're both pretty much the same performance wise.These boxes are definitely Old School in the midsized category.They are VERY LOUD for their size.As loud as I've had mine,I've never really pushed one to its limits so I'd rely on OldSkools comments about that.In fact he's one of the most knowledgeable around here.Read his posts and you'll learn a lot (Reading most of mine,you'll probably just get confused :lol: )


Staff member
Jovie said: I'd rely on OldSkools comments about that.In fact he's one of the most knowledgeable around here.Read his posts and you'll learn a lot...

I post mindless drivel...the smart one is Superdu...nahhh...Ira...yep Monchi...wait...Rimmer! Yes Rimmer is the smart one!!! Yes!!! Rimmer is definitely the smart one! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
I'm sticking with Monchito and Superduper.... Ira is smart but he forgets more than I know...... :w00t: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:


Member (SA)
I've actually haven't purchased it yet. I'm in the market to buy a boombox so I'm trying to educate myself. Any suggestions were to find a good deals?

Thx for all the input guys!


Staff member
thesanch said:
I've actually haven't purchased it yet. I'm in the market to buy a boombox so I'm trying to educate myself. Any suggestions were to find a good deals?

Thx for all the input guys!

Check your local thrifty's first. If you have targeted a specific box, check out the for sale section on this site. After that, eBay. Keep in mind, even on this site, if you are looking for what is considered a classic in minty condition, be prepared to pay... :-)
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