Free Hitachi TRK-550H 3 Piece

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Member (SA)
Hi,been away for 3 weeks working and visiting family over the holidays .
1 of my friends was moving out of his house and his brother left an older boombiox.
Was really dirty but I cleaned it 3 times over and the decks were both working,right side works ok but left side is working but not if you put a rape in it.
Left side was working a while back, just something sticky, it was working great in both directions.
This thing is powerful and has 2 line - ins CD /Line in.
Sound is impressive.
Still need to open it up and cleaned decks.

Not bad for free.
My 1st.Hitatchi.




Member (SA)
Congrats Jeff...
I've had this box, I gave it to a friend. It has very good sound as I remember :yes: it is worth to repair, definitely.


Member (SA)
I like the look of that, Jeff. How does she sound? I find that free stuff always sounds that little bit better than the same stuff sounds when it wasn't free!



Member (SA)
Tape! (Lol)
Yes John,quite impressively loud and powerful.
Simple 3 piece design but Hitachi power is nothing to mess with!
Yes it was free but man the dirt and film! Already cleaned the speakers by bathing them good.
Thanks for the kind remarks .


Member (SA)
devol-toni said:
Congrats Jeff...
I've had this box, I gave it to a friend. It has very good sound as I remember :yes: it is worth to repair, definitely.
Hi Anton,that's cool, it looks to be older model but it is quite loud and sounds good to. :)


Member (SA)
Congrats, this is good catch.
I like this model - good design, auto reverse, radio, line in.
Missing only led VU meter...
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