Found these two today Happy Happy Joy Joy!

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Member (SA)
Local trash n treasure. $20AUD each, both fully working....big Panasonic is an RX-DT680, need the remote though!



Well-Known Member
Staff member
That's a great score, apm. :yes: I first heard the RX-DT680 at Freddie's house on the way to the 2008 Sunshine Mix. I was very impressed. I lucked out and found one locally for about $12 if I remember correctly. Congratulations! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Thanks Guys, the little National is just so cute. There was a lot of rubbish their too, nearly bought an early early Aiwa box but the dude wanted too much.
Any chance of finding a remote for the 680???

So motivating to find nice gear, rock on guys, (tunes cranking out on Sony Metal ES tape...)



Boomus Fidelis
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: you see little by little and dont be surprized that you come across another toshiba rt-200 you never know :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :yes: :-)
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