Found my missing Grail...

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Member (SA)
I have been looking long and hard for several years now for my holy Grail boombox and I finally came accross one on the Internet.We all have that one boombox we must have,after looking for sooo looong I found a place that had 2, I purchased 1 and put a deposit on the second one.I am really beyond what words can express.I feel like a dog would with 2 tails,a kid in a candystore,a cat taking a nap all rolled into one. My source will remain anonymous as I do not want to share it with anyone at this time.Actually the source did not want to be disclosed.Ira is lurking somewhere on this forum." I can sense the disturbance in the FORCE".I will post pictures later as my camera ran out of battery life and will take awhile to charge. I do have the internet pics.Maybe I can post those earlier than mine.All and all AWESOME... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :breakdance: :breakdance:


Member (SA)
Freaking camera still not working.Tried taking a pic wouldn't work.I'll let it charge a bit more and see.


Member (SA)
Ok I wont make you guys wait any longer..Pic...

ng383_vb_999.jpg ... /NG383.uts


Member (SA)
You guys see how fast Ira called dibs?...Almost as fast as offering up a woody battery door.Just bringing g a little cheer to my Boombox brothers and playing a little vintage Uncle Ed on all. . :lol: :lol: :lol:
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