Found a National RXc-66 with Japanese writing

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Member (SA)
I am a bit of picker always hunting garage sales, estate sales and such. Ive recently taken interest in old school boom boxes to keep, buy, trade, and just enjoy in my gargage.

Found a National RX66 and all the text on the front - play,stop, record, all is in Japanese. The words nationa and rx66 are not.

Seems like an awesome rare find to me but Im just learning this category.

Thoughts on value? I cannot find much on the web about the RX c-66 let alone a model without english wrtiting. Thanks!


Member (SA)
Any vintage boombox needs to be in good cosmetic condition and in good working order to get more resell value. Wether it has foreign writings or english, it's not important. I saw an ebay seller trying to emphasize his unit has japanese writings but I don't think he gets more money for that. You would need a lot of selling visibility to reach a collector who actually care. That is my opinion.


Member (SA)
Jimmy ha ha, I will let you know if I do, only had it a few days but it rocks. Id imagine if I parted with it it would be a bit over 20.00
Just wish I could find more about it. Either way its sweet.
The best sounding RX-C series is the early C45. Now that is a great sounding unit. The last C45 I bought was mint and cost $27 local pick up. The one before that was free.

The last C66 in the forum was back in 2015 and was a mint unit found at a garage sale for free.

I'd estimate they are worth around $20-$40 depending on condition. There's obviously nothing stopping you listing it for much more in the hope someone falls in love with it.

I say just enjoy it for what it is. The decks on the C series are rather basic with a weak FFWD gear that often renders the decks unserviceable. The tuner station indicator strips often snap with age leaving the indicator motionless when the tuner wheel is turned. The C45 doesn't seem to suffer from this fault.

Overall though, Panasonic (National) make reliable gear so it should be a useful piece of kit for many years to come.

Welcome to the forum,

I hope you enjoy your stay.

James.... :-)


Member (SA)
the cool japanese graphics on a personal level will add that little bit more value.the model itself isnt a bad model,despite ive never owned that one,ive owned all the rest around it so it must be a good one as they are all superb! :yes:
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