Forum member JVC Floyd

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Member (SA)
In this age of multimedia which inundates us with nothing but bad news I would like to give a shout out to JVC Floyd. I was able to meet him face to face today, and I can honestly say he is a good dude. It was a pleasure to meet you Floyd!!!!


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks brother ,
I hope we can meet again soon when time allows for more pics and talking about radio's , I could go on forever about that subject.
In was great meeting you all and it was actually decent weather so it worked out great.
Hope to do it again and it was a great time.


Member (SA)
Great to hear!! Floyd is a great guy,I’ve never met him but have talked in the phone and have done trades/great guy! Glad you guys got to meet and hang out.😎📻


Member (SA)
I agree, If anybody has shipped a boombox they would know how out expensive it is. They would probably break you in transport!!! :)


Boomus Fidelis
It would be interesting to see how the packages get treated first hand lol. I could always jump out and surprise them and be like what the hell is are you doing lol.


Member (SA)
It would be interesting. That's why it's better to try and hand deliver the boomboxes if at all possible (unless you are going to build a wooden crate for them)

Lasonic TRC-920

Floyd us certainly a collector I would like to meet. Super knowledgeable and would enjoy talking radios. Amazing someone actually met up with him LOL.



Member (SA)
The man with words!! LOL!!

Floyd is a good guy and has been a member here and S2G one of the original gangster! :-)


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks Guy's , trust me when I first joined stereo2go I was an annoying newbie, now I'm an annoying geezer lol.


Member (SA)
I can vouch for JVC Floyd. Just look at that Boomboxery street cred. Wow! Over 5K posts (Boomus Fidelis)

I've got a loooong waaaay to :bow:
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