Flea Market Today-Got A LXI Series Double Cassette Boombox!!

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone-I went to the flea market today and got a Sears Roebuck & Co. LXI Series double cassette boombox!!
He wanted 8.00 but took 7.00!!
It all works 100% but was dirty.It's cleaning up really nice though!!
The only thing missing is the antenna,the stub is there but needs a relacement-that's it!!
I like this,it sounds great!! AM/FM dual cassette and dubbing to.
It has a cool light bar and another stereo light.
Photos by tonight or tomorrow.

The boomboxes are coming in at a alarming rate!! 2 already just this weekend!! :-O :-P
Have a super weekend-GB. :-) :yes: :-O :breakdance: :choco: :surf: :thumbsup: :cool: :yes: :-D :-)


Boomus Fidelis
Ghettoboom767 said:
The boomboxes are coming in at a alarming rate!! 2 already just this weekend!! :-O :-P

No fear! :nonono:
Got 4 this weekend! :lol:
AMSEN, 2xPHILIPS and a panny.
I remember there was a space problem at home... :blush:

btw: :morepics: :popcorn:


Member (SA)
Great going Roman!! Leave it to you!!\
That's great-It cleaned up like new!! Taking photos this afternoon.Should be on by tonight.
I have with my new one coming in next week-100!!! :-D :-P :cool: :breakdance: :choco:
I'll be there!
But there's always room for more right Roman??!!
Have a good weekend-GB. :-D :yes: :-P :cool: :-O
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