Finding a sitter for my M70 while I'm out of town... DONE!

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Member (SA)
It was the easiest part of the planning!!! HA HA!

Here's a texting conversation I forwarded to my email... :lol: :lol: :lol:

First step of recruiting the ladies into the our world. BTW, if anyone has an extra M70 hanging around, I have lots of lady friends that could babysit it and discover the awesomeness.... Or an M90... I could babysit that... forever, if needed. Or a disco lite... I could just wire it up to the M90 but turn the volume down on the candy box and only have the lights on and have a party... Or... I'm willing to be a named person in someone's will for M90 or discolite, if interested... HE HE!

Alison's like: :drool:



Staff member
HA! Unbeleiveable! Will you recommend three tapes a day and a fresh change of batteries every four hours? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Don't forget the daily walks. We wouldn't want it to stink up the house. :-D

Lasonic TRC-920

I'd be afraid they wouldn't give it back! :lol: :lol: :w00t:

Should we be expecting a new member (your friend) on the site soon?

BTW Holly, great avatar! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I'd be afraid they wouldn't give it back! :lol: :lol: :w00t:

Should we be expecting a new member (your friend) on the site soon?

BTW Holly, great avatar! :thumbsup:

That avatar makes me so happy. :-D Although it makes me look much more cool than I actually am. :lol: I got sucked into this idea and ended up staying up all night with my camera and photoshop.

To quote you all:

Yes, the boombox needs care, love, attention, and affection. I think the LISTENER may need a diaper change occasionally, though, not the box, because it's so FREAKING AWESOME!!!!

And yes, I'm working on getting her involved in this. I tried signing her up but my math brain was on auto pilot and couldn't get through the last hurdle. Believe me, she would've just gone with it. That's how she rolls. :thumbsup:

She's so RAD!


Member (SA)
Top work, Holly!
But one must ask the question: Why aren't you taking the M70 with you??

I found that as soon as got it in my head that i HAD to take a blaster with me every time possible that I left the house that my enjoyment of my collection went up exponentially!

Rock On.


Staff member
Gluecifer said:
Top work, Holly!
But one must ask the question: Why aren't you taking the M70 with you??

I found that as soon as got it in my head that i HAD to take a blaster with me every time possible that I left the house that my enjoyment of my collection went up exponentially!

Rock On.

She'd better worry about trying to wring it from her friends hands or having to put out an APB when her buddy runs off with it accross state lines! A federal offense? :lol:


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Top work, Holly!
But one must ask the question: Why aren't you taking the M70 with you??

I found that as soon as got it in my head that i HAD to take a blaster with me every time possible that I left the house that my enjoyment of my collection went up exponentially!

Rock On.

Well, right now I'm kinda OCD about my M70. It's in such nice shape... I need one that is more beat up so I can take it with me. I tend to be not as coordinated when walking... AKA I run into things sometimes... ESPECIALLY when distracted by music. Besides that, as much as Disney Land needs Megadeth cranked when the annoying princesses come around, I'm just not ready or in shape for a backache like that yet or to put it through Space Mountain...

ALISON LOVES your pink box... Did you see she's a new member? HE HE! I have to get ready to go, but maybe you could post that thread in her thread... :yes:


Member (SA)
Done and done!

You gotta get some experience carrying and that'll give you lots of confidence.

But I don't think even I'd take a boombox to Disneyland though,... too much of a candidate for confiscation!

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

Gluecifer said:
Top work, Holly!
But one must ask the question: Why aren't you taking the M70 with you??

I found that as soon as got it in my head that i HAD to take a blaster with me every time possible that I left the house that my enjoyment of my collection went up exponentially!

Rock On.

Glue, way back when I first joined this site and learned you walk every where with a blaster, I have made it my mission to always have one with me as well. (drives people CRAZY and I love it!)

But like Holly said, if you have a clean grail, you don't want to bash them thats why I have beater boxes! :-D (another excuse to get another radio!)

Got to have a "Walkin Box"! :yes:

I also must say "WOOOO HOOOO" to Holly for spreading the word and more importantly bringing more GIRLS to the SPORT!

I love all you guys, but this place was really turning in to a "DUDE RANCH" if you know what I mean! :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
hollyrockets said:
Besides that, as much as Disney Land needs Megadeth cranked when the annoying princesses come around, I'm just not ready or in shape for a backache like that yet or to put it through Space Mountain...

I still need one to take everywhere, too. Like an M70. Or another Crown. Straps are pretty useful.


Member (SA)
my minty m90 doesnt leave my dresser.....but my m70 with a couple scratches will be going on many, many field trips....but definitely not disneyland! :lol:
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