

New Member
does anyone know what other tape deck can be used with sony fh15r? my tape deck cant be fixed and still would like to play tapes.


Staff member
Any tape deck with RCA outputs will work. Simply connect the decks' RCA outputs to the FH-15R AUX-input jacks with RCA patch cables, and set the stereo to playback from AUX.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Any tape deck with RCA outputs will work. Simply connect the decks' RCA outputs to the FH-15R AUX-input jacks with RCA patch cables, and set the stereo to playback from AUX.
I think Davy is actually referring to the deck inside the FH unit. Aside from a deck straight from an FH-15, would a deck from any FH unit work?


Boomus Fidelis
FH-11W deck should work and use the same wide wire connector plug to the amp/radio section.
I have the TC-118 double cassette deck on my FH-11W and replaced the belts and all once. Everything was working including rec and playback. Later it showed a little lower speed with the play. It was not at all easy to take this twin deck apart. Very time-consuming job! The hardest deck job I did so far!
Now, I am a bit reluctant to go inside it and adjust the motor speed. Now I seriously doubt my skill levels ...

TC-118 or TC-158R decks should work on your 15R.:yes:


This is the TC-158R deck your FH-15R uses
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