Favorite Song - Favorite Box

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Member (SA)
what song do you really like listening to on your favorite Box and what is that favorite Box ? just trying to get to know people on the group ...


Member (SA)
Hi David

My fave box is the Philips d8614, it sounds amazing and has all the whistles and bells that make a great box :yes: not really sure about a fave song as I love lots of stuff :thumbsup: here's a couple of pics of me and my baby :-D 377.jpg30052014485.jpg


Member (SA)
My all around FAVORITE box is the one in my pic...and all i listen to is oldschool hip hop from the 80's in my boxes...i can't narrow it down to just 1 song :lol:

Also...welcome to Boomboxery David!



Member (SA)
Off-topic, but Gordie, do you seriously own all of those c100s/aka's???

On-topic: I'd probably have to go with my 2nd Gen 931. It's the ministry (is that a word?) box I have. Sounds amazing. My M70 goes louder with less distortion, but can't handle the bass the 931 can. It's really close between the two.

Don't have a favorite song, I love too many. But my favorite to sample/test a box is Sanata's "Maria Maria." It has everything you need to test the highs, lows and clarity of a box. In my opinion.


Member (SA)
I listen to so many different types of music that it's hard to narrow it down to just one song, but I love some 80's hip hop when it's coming out the speakers of a classic ghettoblaster!

As for my favorite box, that's a tough one too. It's like asking me who my favorite child is Lol. But I have to say that the radio that has blown me away with its sound quality, and is like sex for the senses, is my new to me JVC M90. I find myself wanting to hear what the next song on my ipod will sound like when it plays through it, and I haven't been disappointed once. It's one bad mutha ****er!


Member (SA)
trippy1313 said:
Off-topic, but Gordie, do you seriously own all of those c100s/aka's???
That pic was a long time ago when i had enough C-100's to make the wall...now i could make MANY more walls of C-100's just like it :lol:


Member (SA)
Born to Roll by Master Ace on my Lasonic 931 (2nd Gen)....... the 931 is tied for fav box with my 975, m90 and CF100. But like Trippy said - the 931 can handle some serious bass!!!!



Member (SA)
Born to Roll by Master Ace on my Lasonic 931 (2nd Gen)....... the 931 is tied for fav box with my 975, m90 and CF100. But like Trippy said - the 931 can handle some serious bass!!!!



Member (SA)
It took me quite a while to finally start tearing down the C100 for repairs because it just sounds so great. Since boomboxes deliver tunes in such an awesome way I have been developing new tastes in music, and it's been fantastic. Old stuff, new stuff, dont' care! Ever since I posted Chris Brown's "Loyal" video I've been playing it daily and it now burned into my brain and can kill it on karaoke night sometime haha. LET ME SEE!!



Member (SA)
The one song I test all my boxes with is an oldie but goodie from my fav decade, the 70's. Cosmic Slop by Funkadelic, live from Madison Square Garden off of the out-of-print album "The Best of Funkadelic." :hooray:
With the wild midrange synths of Bernie Worrell, Bootsy Collins' rock-solid bass, and Eddie Hazel & Mike Hampton's screaming, treble-y guitars, this track has everything in it to test all the aspects of a top-of-the line boomboxes vital statistic, it's sound. A sample of this song can be found on YouTube in a live version from a Houston P-Funk explosion, just George & Co. doin' their thang that they did so well, namely bringing "The Bomb" down upon unsuspecting audiences.
In fact, just testing my newly-repaired Big Ben with it yesterday, I blew up a tweeter... :w00t: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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