Fake Kaboom gets OWNED!!

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Well-Known Member
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Seems to be well made considering how many throws it took to really demolish it. :-O


Boomus Fidelis
Fatdog said:
Seems to be well made considering how many throws it took to really demolish it. :-O

a wart hog is well made too. but ugly as hell to look at and probably sounds better than that kaboomish thingy :lol: .


Well-Known Member
Staff member
JVC Floyd said:
Fatdog said:
Seems to be well made considering how many throws it took to really demolish it. :-O

a wart hog is well made too. but ugly as hell to look at and probably sounds better than that kaboomish thingy :lol: .
You got that right! :yes:

Lasonic TRC-920

Even though it's a junk radio, it's still sucks to see that happen
:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Next, that little piss ass will be rummaging through a box in dad's garage and..... and.....I hate to even say it :nonono:
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