The ESC JC-2000 seems to be the most common variation of the Master Blaster in Australia, the Dynasty, Helix and other rebrandings seem to only turn up in europe and the u.s.
I think it was released here fairly late in the piece, I remember seeing them as prizes at the Geelong Show in around 1994, but I never saw one in a store. I reckon a big batch of them got funnelled down here at some stage and then got distributed through odd non-traditional retail channels. They don't seem to be as 'valued' on .au ebay however, but anything with box and manual is far more attractive, which elevates it's rarity considerably.
Selling internationally could be very tough though due to shipping size constraints by air, possibly only sea-mail is the only available choice. It'll still be possibly well over AU$200 to ship anywhere thats willing to pay super-high amounts.
This is all off the top of my head, but just going off what I've seen in the last year or so.
Good luck with it Doni, always good to see another aussie on here, feel free to PM me if you think I can help further.
Yeh i agree with Rick they dont appear to fetch big dollars in NZ either. Brand wise I havent seen helix down here.
What is called the Helix 4636 in the US mine are called a HORTEX pc 9090 and the other identical deck just seems to be an ESC with no model number printed anywhere. Both are identical to the Helix4636 but the ESC has much crappier speakers.
Oh and welcome aboard
Rock On.