Enough is enough...

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Member (SA)
not boomboxes im afraid :sadno:
my patience !

On the 28th of September last year, over 4 months ago, i paid
Freddie (oldskool) $400US for his Lasonic he advertised for sale
plus postage cost of $180US. A total of $580US

On the 3rd of October he told me he was short $30US because of fees...
now in my mind he gave me a total price to pay and i paid it, the extra fee
was unfortunate, but not mine, it was his. But being the nice guy i am i offered
to pay it, not half even, all of it. As i said to Freddie, i didnt want a good deal
between members going bad over $30 !
So now im up to $610US.

On the 13th of October he tells me there is a problem with customs and that
the Lasonic has been held up in transit while it gets cleared. :'-( Damn, but
thats ok, these things happen, i guess i just have to wait a little longer.

After waiting 3 weeks for it to arrive i send Freddie a PM on the 3rd of November
asking if there was any updates or was it to soon yet for it to be here in OZ ??

He never replied.......................................................... :huh: :huh:

Freddie.... WTF man ?? I havent heard from you since the 13th of October last year !!

Yes i seen your post about how things are for you at the moment, even before
your post i PM'd a few members saying that i hope all was well with you,
but seriously...... before... after... even now, all you had to do was send me a PM !

I have sadly watched other members make these posts and i thought i never
wanted to be in that situation :sadno: and i didnt want to do it to you
oldskool, but if you log on to this site and dont even bother to send me a PM or
reply to mine what did you think i was going to do ??

I doubt any other member here would have waited this long without word
before making the same post !

Freddie i feel for you at the moment, i am not bull$hitting you when i tell
you that about 5 years ago i went through a similar situation with what turned out
to be an 'unknown illness' or 'virus'....in other words, the doctors didnt know
what it was but they knew i was very sick.

I took 1 year off work which almost ruined me financially and almost cost me
my job. After a year i had to go back to work because i had too, not because i was
ready, and it was a huge struggle for me everyday. So as i said im feeling for you.

But Freddie, that is MY hard earned cash ! and im just trying to get through life
like the rest of us.

Sort it out, like now


Boomus Fidelis
Sounds really strange. :hmmm:
Freddie seems to be a great guy.
No idea what here can be wrong.

Problems could happen everytime and everywhere.
Like 2 boxes i sent to members, got smashed by shipping. :thumbsdown:
But i think we worked it out.

So also here should be a ability to come to an positive end. :blush:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
**** i would have waited a week and then said heaps
arron you have all the paitence in the world
this is not a good story


I Am Legend
shane higgins said:
shiat i would have waited a week and then said heaps
arron you have all the paitence in the world
this is not a good story

yup --with me it would have been 10 days= TOPS

arron --we have a PM listing "OUTBOX- UNread --
so that we can all tell if our PMs get read

that one day --a few weeks ago - when freddie made that post..
did he open up your PMs --so that at least he knows whats going on ??

i want to say --what a shock all this really is -

and that i also sent him PMs way back on 10/17 and 11/9---
i have considered him to be a good personal friend --
and we know it does not take alot of energy and spirit -
to at least OPEN our mail -

yet --for all these same many months -
those 2 PMs remain UN-OPENED ???

so --sadly - i presume some thing is very seriously wrong :sadno: :sadno:

as an 'off-the-wall' resolution --
how about if all of us members make paypal conrtributions
to TRY and cover this $$ major in-house problem -

or --as arron just said.............. "enough is enough"--
so any other member ideas should get posted up here-
like NOW

(my 2 cents)


Boomus Fidelis
Man this is disturbing news AZA......
So sorry to hear this, :sadno:
Especially about Freddie.... :thumbsdown: :-/
I know he is having problems,but............. :'-(


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Freddie and his wife are still very well aware of the situation with Arron. I have assurances from his wife that Arron WILL be getting all of his money back and some extra for his patience and suffering. Freddie has pretty much shut himself away from the world, but he still refuses to go see a doctor for help. I love Freddie like I would my own brother, but sadly, he needs a good ass-kickin' about right now. :-/


Member (SA)
Stranger things have happened. Take my word for it. :hmmm:

Prepare for the worst and pray for the best. :angelic:


I Am Legend
ken --seems like a year or more |-) |-) |-)
so asking if you ever got all the many boxes you paid for --to
ex-member jared ?


Member (SA)
Nope. Just the one shipment, all but one of which were crap.
Swapped email for a YEAR 'till I finally gave it up.
I lost $300.00 in the deal.

Give Freddie credit, though. At least he isn't claiming to be an imaginary person posting on an imaginary computer from an imaginary place... When I think back on that part I do laugh, if only to keep from crying sometimes. The weird scenes inside the goldmine don't get any weirder than that. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
redbenjoe said:
ken --seems like a year or more |-) |-) |-)
so asking if you ever got all the many boxes you paid for --to
ex-member jared ?
By now, I'm sure Jared has had upwards of 53 heart attacks since then and recuperates with his brother, Danny, in the U.P. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Unfortunate set of circumstances, I hope it gets resolved in a positive way. I must say you have showed incredible patience.


Member (SA)
Damn that's the 2nd fight I've heard (or read) on this site :thumbsdown: . I'm grateful for the members I've dealt with on this site with cash and radio's, and even parts. I don't want to feel funny making any transaction with anybody on this site. I hope this is the last one, I hope you guys can fix this problem ASAP. I'd rather hear a good ending to this story than it go unanswered. Good luck man....


Member (SA)
Even though I was right in the middle of the Jared thing it was much more entertaining.... Almost worth it for me. ;-) Although Freddie seems to be somewhat of a story teller too....

I hope Freddie pulls out of his funk. But I don't think he will alone which is the only option he is giving himself. This is a lot of money out there for a very long time. Another fundraiser for Freddie? Remember when there was a collection made so Freddie could get his Dreambox Black CP-7? Nice way to pay that back. And what about the Mrs? Why can't she send it off? Good grief....


Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
Freddie and his wife are still very well aware of the situation with Arron. I have assurances from his wife that Arron WILL be getting all of his money back and some extra for his patience and suffering. Freddie has pretty much shut himself away from the world, but he still refuses to go see a doctor for help. I love Freddie like I would my own brother, but sadly, he needs a good ass-kickin' about right now. :-/

Thankyou for the update FD.

Please let Freddie and his wife know that i only want the money i am owed and that there is truly
no need for any more and that if they do pay more i will only Paypal it straight back to them.

Thankyou everyone for the replies and yes im sure Freddie is a good guy, that is why i waited
so long before making this post and why it was also such a hard decision to finally do so.

Hopefuly all will be resolved soon enough
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