Elta 6900 similar Boombox?

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Member (SA)
Hello Everyone!

I'm starting my first Project right now - trying to get an Elta 6900 back to life.

But i've problems to get informations about that model out of the internet - it seems that it's an unpopular or cheap model... have anyone heard or seen such an model anywhere else? Or maybe can tell me a similar model?

Would be thankful for every informations about it.

Regards from Leipzig, Germany.



Member (SA)
I figured the little similarity between the sharp 777 and my one out - at least it was one of the reasons i decided to try this project -
but for a newbie like me it was not possible to find similar boxes by name of "elta 6900". i known this polylabeled electrical "aka stuff" till now only by the name "super-oem".

so i'm really glad that someone had one like this in his hands before. :-)

i haven't had it opened yet, but on the currend status of my idea, i like to try to get it back to work in general first, and in dependence of it's original sound go than further by maybe changing the speakers in a little spashwater proofed stuff (if possible), trying to get the inner electrics kind of safe as well and finally equipped it with an actual, biggest possible li-ion battery, new line in and bluetooth.

everything to get it ready for the streets again with little outer changes as possible - to fight this actual bluetooth boxes :-D

did you ever find an circuit diagram or similar for it? not sure if i made a mistake by searching through the aka names till now, but i haven't seen one yet (and i only got basic knowledge of electronics like this - so i can't work without it i think).

greetings from leipzig


Member (SA)
I found pictures and info of different brands + user manual in dutch -
download this zip archive:





Member (SA)
Thats a sweet looking box, I wouldn't mind one of these mid-sizers amongst my collection :cool:
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