eBay scammer Quiz

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Requiem Æternam
Sorry my posts are so depressing would love to give some good news
Ok can any one work out is this a scam
Guy buys a boombox doesn't pay but sends mail that having money problems please wait
goes on for long time I think he had a car accident too
Although i have had buyers in car accidents before no communication and they paid late and no problems
So then eventually eBay cancel as unpaid item
he then asks if i can re list and he will pay extra money for inconvenience
Then today has another money crises and asks me to sell him and wait a few days for payment then offers even more money
I refuse and ask him to stop offering money it is worrying
I will wait till he can pay and then re list i dont want more money the price i was asking is fine
he then sends money without any warning as a deposit to my Pay pal directly and ask me to accept it
He is a collector i noticed i have sold to him before and had no problem quite a while ago and recently
mainly parts
he may be just an unlucky guy who really wants the radio
The thing is if this is a scam i cant work out the scam
there are much simpler ways with new eBay policies
I also have another confusing one but ill keep that for next time
:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:


Requiem Æternam
but non payer is not so bad i still have the box
I have lost nothing but have to re list no real loss
Im not a business man i put these for boombox lovers
and to support my illness this way ( buying too many boxes and still wanting more ) :sick:
the sad thing is maybe i have lost faith when someone behaves in this way and i mean offering more money than i think its worth bells go of
If it sounds to good it probably is
thats how scams hook you in greed
that combined with the rest seems odd
Next development he has told me the $100 he sent is mine if i want to sell or not i can keep it
These are his words again so difficult to judge
He told me even if you dont trust me i trust you
so nice :huh: :huh:
too nice ???
or am i just jaded :sick:


Member (SA)
It was said many times lately that ebay is no longer a friendly place for sellers.
Heavy fees (13-14%) and "buyer protection" policy leaves the sellers with no rights.
Sadly there is no real alternative for ebay yet.


Member (SA)
Put him on your blocked list for a while Geoff. It's tough enough negotiating EBay without getting dicked around by non payers.


Requiem Æternam
yea really nikonfoo easy mark !!!
there could be a page with my name on it
But whats the scam ??
that is what is pissing me of
I can usually smell it
This one has got me

As ebay stands the easy scam is it was broken ebay will instantly rule in there favour
why do the i dont have funds or whatever
offer more money
Greetings, I am sending this USD 100.00 as a deposit for the ******* Boombox. Please let me know if you have received it . Best Wishes.

Sent by ****
$100.00 USD

-negative$4.20 USD

then he told me even if i dont sell to him I can keep this money
that is what feels too good to be true and of course would not do this
why would i accept $100 dollars for nothing

is he just an unlucky boombox collector
maybe not a scam???


Member (SA)
I dont know man, if it was someone from the forums i would work with them, if its ebay I just block and move on.

Sorry but i'm a glass half empty kind of guy.


Member (SA)
My pennyworth:

If you have found your way onto some kind of suckers list then the idea is not to let you see the sting coming by any wily means possible, dragging out the process and making it so confusing/complicated and so much hassle you'll just give up in the end. Depending on your actions, there can either be two satisfied parties or one loser - make a choice.

I'd suggest returning the money, if he's a decent sort of guy he ought to acknowledge his own position as well as understand your position and respect this. Simple. Neither one of you will have lost anything, no one is losing face, each person walks away with heads held high and proud 'cos you've both done the right thing in your mutual interest.

Consider the peace of mind you'd get if you cancelled the transaction and moved on from this, nothing more to worry about. Regardless of the buyer's situation he should exhibit enough respect to not progress with the sale if he's unable to complete. In the event you are on some kind of suckers list, this'll interrupt the plan. I think it's too risky to 'complete' this auction, conclude any business and ditch the stress. If he's genuine, he may come back when his circumstances change/he runs out of excuses!

Sure, that's harsh - but this is life.

(I hope I've not overstepped the mark? I've suffered one minor scam on eBay about 15 years ago so I've remained wary since.)


Member (SA)
On the other side of this: If, as you say, he has bought from you before, it is possible he sent you money in hopes you will not re-list it . Strange but maybe that's what this is. He couldn't come up with full amount at the time due to whatever, and this is an act of good faith.

Has he been on Ebay for a long time?

It would be an end-around type of scam if it is one. I know there was that one where buyers would try to send you a check outside of Ebay for more than the amount of item then get you to send them the difference, but this is a new one if it is.

Ask Ebay about it and maybe return the money while they check with him . Might be just that, he needs time, but at least they are aware of things happening that may lead to further discovery.

I agree with MOM on this : if he's a decent sort of guy he ought to acknowledge his own position as well as understand your position and respect this. Simple. Neither one of you will have lost anything, no one is losing face, each person walks away with heads held high and proud 'cos you've both done the right thing in your mutual interest.


Staff member
Was the money sent as payment for goods and services or to family and friends? Accept payment only as family and friends to reduce claims prospects. Also, it may be legitimate. BUT you sound like an ethical guy and this may drag on forever and always weigh heavily on your shoulders and feel like unfinished business. I like clean transactions plain and simple else it's always on the back of my mind bugging me.


Staff member
Oh wait, I see that there is a fee. That means the payment was sent as payment for goods and services. It is a "claimable" transaction, just FYI.


Requiem Æternam
Thanks for all the advice as usual very good
But I want to trust people otherwise what im doing is all over
I work as a free lancer work has been tight and had some medical probs
what had been my hobby had helped to pay the bills
As I said I have sold to him a set of 777 belts about 6 months ago
I just sent a tape mech for a 9696 a few days ago with belts
and because his communication was so nice i installed and cleaned the goo and put a new fuel tube on
I will ask him to leave feedback on that before I continue
but really I need the money
I would love to be in a safe position and refuse but im not
And really I cant see the scam
I think he is just an unlucky badly organised Guy
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