Just noticed today that my Dolby digital receiver amplifier had quite a bit of 'Earnoise Residue' from my black Labrador who insists on earnoising near the television & associated equipment!!
A further study lower down on the bottom shelf, I was horrified to see multiple earnoise residue all over my Sanyo M-7900K - even more upsetting as it was absolutely mint, not a mark on it before Mr Bakon emptied the contents of his ears over it
I don't think it can be removed as it has dried hard & seems to have eaten into the silver finish
unless anyone knows different?? I tried polishing, soap & hot water, nail varnish remover & surgical spirit (which takes paint off used liberally enough!) yet nothing so far works at all
Am so pissed off tonight after discovering this...................my fault for not protecting the stereo more, can't & wouldn't blame the dog - love him way too much! lol
Anyway, this is what it now looks like:
A further study lower down on the bottom shelf, I was horrified to see multiple earnoise residue all over my Sanyo M-7900K - even more upsetting as it was absolutely mint, not a mark on it before Mr Bakon emptied the contents of his ears over it
I don't think it can be removed as it has dried hard & seems to have eaten into the silver finish
Am so pissed off tonight after discovering this...................my fault for not protecting the stereo more, can't & wouldn't blame the dog - love him way too much! lol
Anyway, this is what it now looks like: