Earnoised Sanyo M-7900K......................

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Member (SA)
Just noticed today that my Dolby digital receiver amplifier had quite a bit of 'Earnoise Residue' from my black Labrador who insists on earnoising near the television & associated equipment!!

A further study lower down on the bottom shelf, I was horrified to see multiple earnoise residue all over my Sanyo M-7900K - even more upsetting as it was absolutely mint, not a mark on it before Mr Bakon emptied the contents of his ears over it

I don't think it can be removed as it has dried hard & seems to have eaten into the silver finish
unless anyone knows different?? I tried polishing, soap & hot water, nail varnish remover & surgical spirit (which takes paint off used liberally enough!) yet nothing so far works at all

Am so pissed off tonight after discovering this...................my fault for not protecting the stereo more, can't & wouldn't blame the dog - love him way too much! lol

Anyway, this is what it now looks like:

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Boomus Fidelis
Dishsoap solution
Rubbing alcohol
Or Goo Gone if both of those fail, but actually I would be hesitant to use it on porous paint like that.

I also wouldn't use any kind of polishing compound. Flat silver paint like that is too fragile. It doesn't look like they put a clear coat over it, like they should have.


Member (SA)
Dog saliva is water soluble, but use a slightly soapy paper towel or microfiber towel in case of any oils.
Never heard of earnoise. Must be super-slang, I can't find it used in that way anywhere online. :hmmm:


Staff member
All those spots look like a spray pattern rather than the nose mucous from the typical nosy (literally) dog which would usually be wiped on through contact so it must be from when they do the super shake of their head that flings off ear wax & mucous?

Anyhow I'm sure it's water soluble like caution says but it also probably needs a soaking to rehydrate. Simply wiping might not do it.

On the other hand, what I see in the picture doesn't look like a residue, rather it looks like the metallic paint has degraded under those spots and if that's the case, it ain't coming back.


Member (SA)
Yeah, it IS the residue from his ears when he shakes his head to clear his ears :-D

Love him too much to even still be annoyed! lol

Earnoise really doesn't come off once it's dried - if you get it before than then it comes off easily!!

Lesson learnt - there are now two el cheapo mini's where the Sanyo used to sit!!

Also, 'Earnoise' is a term made up completely by me, I've got a ton of them & I'll be here all week etc :lol:
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