Dynasty Discolite

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Member (SA)

So last week I am over at my sisters house, and my brother in law, who knows I love old school retro stuff, brings out a dusty old boombox. He found it while cleaning out his storage and was going to toss it or use it as a decoration piece. Immediately I'm thinking wow this thing is awesome, but it wasn't until after a quick google search that I realized I has something very special in my hands. At this point I realized that he probably didn't know the value of it, and told him that I can't accept it. He insisted I keep it anyway!

So here I am, clueless about boomboxes, holding onto what is apparently one of the more sought after boomboxes out there! Regardless, it's something that I will cherish forever, and I can't wait to learn more and get this thing back to it's former glory! So far I have taken the back off, and started cleaning it up a little bit.

The issues that will need to be addressed:
-missing "Audio Visual" and "Disco Lite" emblems
-missing button on "Normal/Metal" switch
-tape door hinge broken
-tuning string came completely loose while pulling apart the case, I have no clue how it goes back together
-volume slider is noisy/crackling. It goes from dead quiet to very loud with little movement

Other than that it seems to work great!

Here it is first time firing it up at home.

Tuning Knob Before

A little bit of metal polish and here it is after

Figured I would polish up the tape deck switches too


All done!

Tape doors had these little smudges that wouldn't simply wipe off with soapy water.

Rubbed down with Meguiars M205 polish and a microfiber towel

Next I started working on fixing the tape door hinges. Luckily I found one of the broken pieces inside the case. I will come up with a solution for the other hinge later on. First I shaved down a chip of wood to fit.

Then I JB welded the tab back on with the wood chip as a reinforcement, got the idea from browsing these forums!

Replaced foam pieces that basically fell apart as soon as I touched it.

The face of the box was really bugging me with the ton of swirls and scratches it had.

Got it all taped up ready for polishing

50/50 shot after EXTREMELY CAREFULLY polishing with rotary buffer and Meguiars M105 followed by M205, both with orange pad.

Someone please help me with this! Have no idea how to route the tuner string back

That's it for now. I ordered Deoxit D5, F5, and the 100% faderlube. It comes in tomorrow so I'll tackle the switches next!


Member (SA)
Yeah, the tuner string is a BIOAUUUUTCH!!! Did you google/search the S#!T out of that to see if a manual or guide or guy can help?

Good luck man,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I couldn't tell you how to route the string without opening mine up but I have no place to do that right now.

The polish job looks really good. Nice work.
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