Do you..

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Member (SA)
carry out your boombox with you?I don't mean anytime,but in different occasions! I'd like to say,collecting is a good thing,especially for you "Old school people" who joined those years..but I can't understand the people who collect boomboxes without using them!This would be completely against the spirit of collecting boomboxes (in my opinion)!Of course you have to pay attention nowadays (scratches and other stuff..)
1 collecting or 2 collecting and joining them?!
I'm for the second point!My lasonic need fresh air!Especially now that has just been repaired!Everybody here has to be flashed by her lighting chrome!!


Boomus Fidelis
I don't think you can blame anybody for how they collect whatever they collect, if it's what makes them happy then it's good. I try to be less judgmental these days and try to respect everyone whether I agree with what they want to do or not. Yes boomboxes were made for taking your tunes with you in most cases although some boxes weren't really meant to be toted around town.

Really what I'm trying to say is take them out if that's what you want and it's totally cool plus it helps keep the culture alive but if you want to keep them all on a shelf and enjoy them I don't see anything wrong with that either. It's all good! :thumbsup: :-D

Lasonic TRC-920

I had my Lasonic 935 out last night at a friends, we weren't walking down the street but spent the night blasting away at his house! I almost always have a radio with me unless I'm going some where and I have to leave it in the car :thumbsdown:

Almost everything I got see's some action. :yes:


Member (SA)
Whenever I go to the beach, my 3d8 always comes with me :-D
dont worry, I always break out the air compressor and give it a good spray when I get home
Oh and I always take my radio when my friends and I are sparring - the music gets everyone fired up and helps set up a great fighting atmosphere!


Member (SA)
Yes mate, we are using boomboxes outside as well :yes: . We are dragging around mostly some Boomblaster (prefer that name instead of Kaboom). The old warriors from 80 s are booming outside in my own yard summertime. They have the right to have some decent brake after all those years. Use to carry a Boomblaster on the beach as well but last few years the weapon of choice there is sony zs-x1 - dont care about dust and splashes and not so battery hungry :yes: .


Member (SA)
I take mine most everywhere Andrea!
Most often walking to and from work.
Last week I was walking up the main street with th Taira going reasonably loud and a dude driving a car nearly had an accident trying get photos of me with his mobile phone hanging out the window. Was pretty funny!

Rock On.


I Am Legend
us floridians are lucky to have about 200 nice weather nights per year -
so --there is a box with me almost every night --
playing FM music :-)


Member (SA)
I'm always trying out my new (to me) boxes out at the job site - although the bigger ones don't get to make it as often... ;)

- Adam


Member (SA)
i like to listen to cassettes, so i take one in the car to blast when i drive, and when i travel i try to pack one with me to jam in the hotel. i like how with a jam box you can turn any space into "your" space, it's pretty cool. also i've spent so much of my life listening to them, that that's just how music sounds right to me, it's my point of reference, as rupert neve says.


Member (SA)
I love taking out a boombox on any occasion. Not only for the love of boomboxes but for the love of music. And I've found that any occasion isn't even enough. There are so many times in which I think "if only I had a boomer ith me right now".
On the other hand I understand anyone who keeps his boomers safe at home. I think somehow it's like with a child. It needs freedom and everything but if it's yours you just don't want it to get hurt.


Member (SA)
Out here in sunny California (75 today :-D ) I take my radios outside as often as I can. They are a huge hit at bbq's. I also play basketball as often as I can and my radio is always with me at the hoop court. The 2 that get the most usage outdoors are my M70 and M90. The M70 is relatively easy to carry due to it's size and has plenty of power and sound for any outdoor event and it is my favorite outdoor box. I ove music and it is a big part of my everyday life so all my boomboxes get plenty of use!!


Member (SA)
That's exactly what I wanted to say!Last night there was a lot of fog and I decided to go to my friend house carrying my lasonic with me!You had to see his father face when he saw the boombox!!(he was a 80's warrior as you said!!)It was funny also walking around in the fog!You could only hear me!
Anyway I'm happy to find out that some of you usually join their radio around and not only at home!I can't wait to have 10 D rechargeable battery with me!I think this will be a cool summer!!

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
MasterBlaster84 said:
I don't think you can blame anybody for how they collect whatever they collect, if it's what makes them happy then it's good. I try to be less judgmental these days and try to respect everyone whether I agree with what they want to do or not. Yes boomboxes were made for taking your tunes with you in most cases although some boxes weren't really meant to be toted around town.

Really what I'm trying to say is take them out if that's what you want and it's totally cool plus it helps keep the culture alive but if you want to keep them all on a shelf and enjoy them I don't see anything wrong with that either. It's all good!
Very wise, and well said, IMO.

I don't walk around in public with mine playing (or not playing, for that matter), because I don't like to draw attention to myself. I'm most comfortable "out in the world" when I blend in or fly beneath the radar or fade into the background (pick your metaphor). But - trust me- this doesn't mean I don't enjoy my boomboxes. They are "things of beauty," and I get lots of pleasure from seeing them on display and playing tapes/radio on them at home or in the yard when I'm working around the house (and, of course, showing them off on Boomboxery).


Member (SA)
wait wait!Maybe I have been misundestanded!I didn't want to blame anybody!I was only saying that collecting in general is different (in my opinion) from collecting a boombox!In my opinion is not like collecting stamps or other things (obviously you wouldn't use an old stamp,right?!).Using them at home is like what I was trying to say!My "kind of blame" was against the collector who never use a boombox,because they are afraid that something would happen to it (ruining belts or something else..!).
According to my speech I could ask you guys a question: I have seen that some of you has more than one of the same model of a boombox!Why this thing?Yep,I can't explain me this thing!You have one,why you have 3 or more equal?
I don't want to blame anybody!I would like only some answers!I'm new here and I would like to join this forum and your mind completely!
Thank you!


Boomus Fidelis
Don't sweat it ea nobody is getting on you about your post we are just stating our opinions as you are. :-D
I know from experience that it's easy to get jealous and frustrated when your looking for boxes then find out others have 3 or more of them, the first thought is you don't need 3 or more. My point on that is it really doesn't matter if someone has 1 or 30 of a particular boombox, these are essentially antiques and given their popularity are very collectable so to each his own on what or how many they collect. Putting them on a shelf is not all bad, this ensures many will survive in excellent condition for decades to come but most of all it's not up to me or anyone else what they do with their boomers.

So enjoy your boomers any way you want and don't sweat what others do with theirs, there is no right or wrong. For me I have some I use outside and others that stay in my house, I love to see minty original boxes as they were made and I intend for a large part of my collection to survive as long as possible. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
It's all good ea, please express your thoughts and don't let me or anyone else tell you what to think but don't be surprised if we occasionally have different opinions. :nonono: :-D


Member (SA)
Ok so nobody posted a pic of anybody doing what you asked so here's Mike (aka L Lopez) and I walking in Queens with my GF-777 earlier today :thumbsup:
So yes Mike and I at least do what your asking and hell yea we have fun doing it. I'm proud of it and besides who's gonna bother a 6'1" at 245 lbs. with a 9mm attached to his waist? :police:

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