Do you live in Argentina?

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Member (SA)

A friend os mine snagg a Bombeat40 in that site for 913 pesos (about 220.03 USD or 344.47 Brazilian money)

Various Grails in that country, but only to pick up "in loco".



Well-Known Member
Staff member
You need to talk to your friend and get him to buy this remote and send it to me!!!!!!!!! hahaha


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Uh oh, I think I accidently hit the "buy" button instead of "question". The seller is MAD :-O . Any of you guys want this JVC R-15E remote? I think the total is like $110 shipped :hmmm: .

He emailed me:

Hola Joe
Te he enviado varios mails informándote sobre tu compra en Mercado Libre de un control remoto JVC y te envié los valores incluído los gastos de envío a USA, pero no me respondiste.
Por normas de Mercado Libre, al tercer día de no concretada la compra, debo proceder a denunciar la misma en Mercado Libre y Calificarte de NEGATIVO dado que has paralizado mi producto y has generado que Mercado Libre me facture un 10% de comisión por la venta del control remoto que procediste a comprar pero que no pagaste.
Asimismo me perjudicas en mi REPUTACION en Mercado Libre con esta venta NO concretada.

A la espera de tu respuesta te saludo atte.

Pedro Horacio

Hello Joe I have sent several emails informing you about your purchase in Free Market JVC remote control and sent you the values ​​included the shipping to the USA, but not answered me. By rules of free markets, not the third day, the purchase, I proceed to report the same in free markets and qualify you for NEGATIVE paralyzed since you've generated my product and Mercado Libre billed me 10% commission on the sale remote control that proceeded to buyar but not paid. I also hurt the free market my reputation on this sale with unrealized. Waiting for your reply I greet you attn. Pedro Horacio
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