Was having a think while in the kitchen of all the electronics and white goods, think that when we were younger grandma's fridge or cooker was made to last - workmanship was put into it and it ran for years and years - usually only the way it was replaced was for a more up to date looking one, often told that the new one would say money and run it's self - not the case nowadays as most brake down in 6 months and need bits replacing, only to find you have to buy and whole unit or that little bit is not available unless you buy a bigger more expensive part for it
so with today's music centres - i-pods - mini/midi hi-fi's all getting smaller and moving faster then you can blink - by the time you have paid for the item, walked out the door, the next model is apon you being better fast and smaller and being able to do more
so what was the life expectancy of a boom box - did they make them to last and just die out of old age - or to be used and thrown away ready for th next one
in my mind it slips in between both - they have lasted and not too much need replacing on most when you find them - i know that they brought out new models to keep it fresh, but nothing like the 90's and it's plastic run of shelling them out and using up the design
my grandma's fridge still works
my boom box still runs
my i-pod has lost sound in one ear and the screen is giving up
the TV is also out of date and the dvd part has packed up
so while we move on in technology, that is supposed to help us - often it doesn't it just slows us down and gets in the way of living
did ghetto blasters still think they would be around today - did they dream that they would get this far - were they made with a heart and soul to keep people loving them till they were no more
or did they just survive for being made a bit to well and out live there life expectancy
cheers B :cat:
so with today's music centres - i-pods - mini/midi hi-fi's all getting smaller and moving faster then you can blink - by the time you have paid for the item, walked out the door, the next model is apon you being better fast and smaller and being able to do more
so what was the life expectancy of a boom box - did they make them to last and just die out of old age - or to be used and thrown away ready for th next one
in my mind it slips in between both - they have lasted and not too much need replacing on most when you find them - i know that they brought out new models to keep it fresh, but nothing like the 90's and it's plastic run of shelling them out and using up the design
my grandma's fridge still works
my boom box still runs
my i-pod has lost sound in one ear and the screen is giving up
the TV is also out of date and the dvd part has packed up
so while we move on in technology, that is supposed to help us - often it doesn't it just slows us down and gets in the way of living
did ghetto blasters still think they would be around today - did they dream that they would get this far - were they made with a heart and soul to keep people loving them till they were no more
or did they just survive for being made a bit to well and out live there life expectancy
cheers B :cat: