Dj Tech boombox arrives in Blighty

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Member (SA)
So after a long hunt i finally realized a goal of obtaining a DJ Tech. At one stage i emailed all of the listed European distributors, contacted a company in England who import DJ Equipment (super helpful people but no cigar) and even emailed DJ Tech direct, not one but two finally showed up on Ebay.

The seller would not ship to UK so in stepped BluFuz to assist. We have all seen the DJ Tech so this post isn't really about the pics (oh go on then i'll post some) its more about my gratitude to the fuzzy one. With no hesitation he stepped in, got this shipped to his home and then forwarded on to me here in the UK. I owe you one man, or even a few.

Anyway, i was not disappointed, i love this thing, really clean sound, so many connectivity options and way better build than i imagined. Thank you mate for all your help.


Member (SA)
Very nice to hear you've gotten a nice box and that Blufuzz was pivotal in its acquisition. Its awesome when members help each other out like this!☺☺☺


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dude, I am so stoked you get to enjoy one of these and it was no big deal to lend a hand for a fellow BBxery member. We look out for each other. Your joy is enough to make me help anytime.

I see you smoothed out your speaker grills already too!

The red is so hot, real good looker. You made the right choice.


Member (SA)
[quoteI see you smoothed out your speaker grills already too![/quote]

Hell yes, I whipped the grills straight off, smoothed them and resprayed them within an hour!

I'm so stoked, wasn't expecting the box and all accessories when we first looked at them either. I'm going to order the larger battery I think to, can you throw me up a link please?

Thanks again brother


Member (SA)
Great job all round!
I've gotta get one of these... Blu, you might regret this and may have to do it again some time soon I hope :clap: :lol: :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

As I have said before, these have the silkiest smooth sliders of any system I have ever touched. I could play with those all day!

More Great Team Work!


Member (SA)
As others have mentioned...this is awesome. :hi: to the DJ-Tech Boombox club! :gathering:
As a team we can overcome anything :-) Love hearing this kind of stuff. If I am not mistaken, that box you have there already has the 5ah battery mod done to it. If not, it's definitely worth it. That thing will play for 12 hours no problem. I think the red is the best color of the two IMO so great score!

I have to say I had a gut feeling about this box (when being sold). My gut said "buy this before they sell out!". It truly is the closest teleport back to the 80's you're going to find in this day and age of portable radios. Action packed, very practical and built like a brick with metal trim, switches and doo-dads.

Am I going a little too far by saying that this box is the modern Holy Grail? I'm going to say no because it is definitely one of the few good modern ones out there. It tics all the marks of what a great box should be.

So Congrats my friend and don't be shy about the photos. Lord knows I'm not

Here are a few shots of mine torn down to do the mod



Member (SA)
im_alan_partridge said:
Very nice and well done for getting your mits on one. Btw, why did they stop making these?
Congratulations Tre. Welcome to the DJ Tech club. I absolutely love my Red one. I'm on the hunt for the Black one now.
From what I've heard and read. The company did extremely limited or very poor marketing, resulting in it's premature demise. Tragic. :sadno:


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
This brings me so much happiness!
It brings me so much happiness to finally have one :bow: :bow: :bow:

I have been out all evening playing football with my son with the DJ Tech blasting away next to us, him picking tunes on his phone to play, he really loves it. I have been boring all the guys on whatsapp by posting videos and pics loads, i cant help it, im just so chuffed with it!


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Great work guys - Joe has helped many members here including myself on more than one occasion.

The DJTech is such a cool box. :rock:

Yep, helped me get my DJTech as well. Very grateful for his help. Two thumbs up to Joe!
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