So after a long hunt i finally realized a goal of obtaining a DJ Tech. At one stage i emailed all of the listed European distributors, contacted a company in England who import DJ Equipment (super helpful people but no cigar) and even emailed DJ Tech direct, not one but two finally showed up on Ebay.
The seller would not ship to UK so in stepped BluFuz to assist. We have all seen the DJ Tech so this post isn't really about the pics (oh go on then i'll post some) its more about my gratitude to the fuzzy one. With no hesitation he stepped in, got this shipped to his home and then forwarded on to me here in the UK. I owe you one man, or even a few.
Anyway, i was not disappointed, i love this thing, really clean sound, so many connectivity options and way better build than i imagined. Thank you mate for all your help.

The seller would not ship to UK so in stepped BluFuz to assist. We have all seen the DJ Tech so this post isn't really about the pics (oh go on then i'll post some) its more about my gratitude to the fuzzy one. With no hesitation he stepped in, got this shipped to his home and then forwarded on to me here in the UK. I owe you one man, or even a few.
Anyway, i was not disappointed, i love this thing, really clean sound, so many connectivity options and way better build than i imagined. Thank you mate for all your help.