"Disorderlies" soundtrack LP signed by all three Fat Boys

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Member (SA)
I definitely do not regret going to the flea market today :thumbsup:
After digging through lots of crappy records in a big cradboard box, I came across a few HipHop ones including Whodini, Sugarhill Gang and Grandmaster Flash but what really caught my eye was the Disorderlies LP. I looked at it quickly and noticed - someone wrote their names on it :thumbsdown: Like it happened with many LPs back then when they were brought to parties... :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
But after a closer look, I thought "Wait...that signature there looks like Kool Rock...and that is Prince Markie D...and the Human Beat Box :-O :-O :-O "
"How much are those 4 LPs?"
-"A euro a piece"

And that is where I almost hit the floor, got up and hit the floor again :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Of course I took it and damn, this is probably the most insane find i ever had on a flea market :-D :-D :w00t: :w00t:



Member (SA)
AWESOME!! :w00t: I think I have a VHS movie and that "Disorderlies" movie is previewed in the advertisements...
I would've picked up the Whodini album as well.... :cool: :breakdance:


Member (SA)
Sweet... Im Jealous!!

I have 10+ Fat boys Lps ... I listened to the Crushin tape until it was wore out when I was a kid

sell it to me :)
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