Ohh not reviewed DiscoLite yet! I think you were dreaming that one, Chris!
I'm probably not one to review mine as it's been tinkered with soundwise. I replaced the tweeters in mine and dyna-matted the box.
Theres a possibility mine is the 'best' sounding one around! Which means much, much less than you probably think!
They don't sound awful, just 'average' but the stock tweeters do absoloutely zero. She's got little to no stereo separation without replacing the tweeters.
The sound, once you deaden the box and replace the tweeters is reasonable. But it seems highly dependant on environmental conditions, almost more so than any other box I've got. You take her outside and the sound quality and range drops very noticibly. Indoors she sounds quite good with nice bass. Same can be said if she's set an a non-acoustically friendly table or something. The possible cause of this might be the lack of depth in the case. DiscoLite's are very thin for their size.
The EQ helps a lot though, you can get some nice thuddy bass, but it craps out a little over half volume, again, I think it's the case letting the sound down. As you can imagine, the radio is by no means super heavy or solid. I wouldn't say it's the worst quality case ever, but it's in the lower end of the quality range for sure.
The decks sound pretty good for cheap mechs and the line in and radio work great. The one thing I really don't like on the DiscoLite is the handle. It feels so flimsy and ready-to-snap when you pick her up. That concerns me greatly! I'm possibly going to replace mine with a metal bracketed one. For this reason I don't take mine many places, as I can just see the handle snapping at the most inopportune time and I highly doubt the case would survive any drop onto a hard surface.
As far as scoring one goes, I'd always look for one with ALL the LED's going. These things are wired up in the most convolouted and hacky way inside. I had to replace about 10 on mine and it was a stressful and tedious process!! And I wasn't even doing it! I replaced a few and then I got a friend with 20 plus years of electronics soldering experience to do the rest. Even he was pushed to the limit!
I think most everything on the DiscoLite is made-up for it, you aren't going to be swapping many bits in and out, so the idea is to definitely get one as fully working as possible. Especially the LEDs!
At the end of the day though, all this cheapness and technical shortcomings mean absoloutely screw all. Once you see one going, you forget everything else entirely. This is EASILY the most entertaining piece of audio equipment ever created. Even my disbelieving friends get hypnotised by her beauty.
Judging a Discolite on her sound exclusively is like judging Marilyn Monroe on her acting ability.
It pales into insignifcance once the whole package is experienced.
Hope this helps OSS! Only too happy to field any more questions too.
Rock On.