DIfficult Antenna change - out

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Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
It took alot of work to put 2 replacement Antenna's on this GF-9090, they were really hard to get to.....







I Am Legend
ed --it often gets even worse than all that -- :-O
ever try a vinix ??? :nonono: :thumbsdown:

solutions suggested are :
1. just use a sony walkman tuner thru your line in jacks
2. send it to ramoncheetoz
3. have ramon sent it to norm

'easy fix'

Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
I may throw it all in a box and send it to ramonafrito. :-D

Especially cause I'll never figure out where that bulb goes.


Staff member
Somehow, I think one screw too many was twisted. I know it's addicting, but you got to know when to say stop.

Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
Well this was a $36 eBay beater, and it did start as an antenna change. But because these are so easy to work on I though I'd play
Hemiguy make believe. Replacment belt along with a total Dawn warm water bath and 'Earl Schieb' $69 paint job, she will be a sweetie.

Paint was what I had on Hand:

No Name Gloss Black for rear body
Dutch Boy 'Aluminum' for front
Satin black for speakers
Meguiars plastix and my 18V drill for the Dial Window area


Member (SA)

Fantastic, Ed!

Best of luck getting her all back together with a minimum of screws/boards/components/globes left over.

Rock On.
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