different Lasonic i931 boxes

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Member (SA)
Of course, can't get in the for sale section yet so I don't know how easy a 975 is to come by. I did a quick search on the interwebs and came up with squat.


Member (SA)
If you gt a 975, make sure the transformer is removed before shipment. I bought one for $100 shipped and the thing came in looking nice, but the transformer got tossed around for 2k miles. :sad:

I rigged it up and it was good.

The 931 has tight bass response, and the 975 has a deeper sound to it due to the resonance of the casing.
The 975 is superb, and I prefer it to the 931 in sound, but the 975 box isfor being stationary IMO.

Get a 931 for the street, and a 975 for the house, put one in the hallway and you can throw all of your other stereos and tvs out. and if the b tape is dead, you can mount your ipod or mp3 device inside.

on a side note, the realistic SCR 8 is now one of my fave boxes-they are cheap and have great sound and build quality! :afro: Inline too!


Member (SA)
TRC-911 said:
If you gt a 975, make sure the transformer is removed before shipment. I bought one for $100 shipped and the thing came in looking nice, but the transformer got tossed around for 2k miles. :sad:

I rigged it up and it was good.

The 931 has tight bass response, and the 975 has a deeper sound to it due to the resonance of the casing.
The 975 is superb, and I prefer it to the 931 in sound, but the 975 box isfor being stationary IMO.

Get a 931 for the street, and a 975 for the house, put one in the hallway and you can throw all of your other stereos and tvs out. and if the b tape is dead, you can mount your ipod or mp3 device inside.

on a side note, the realistic SCR 8 is now one of my fave boxes-they are cheap and have great sound and build quality! :afro: Inline too!
TRC-911 is right on. the 975 is a beast....if you can find one youd be very pleased.....but i agree 100% about the Realistic SCR-8....those are pretty easy to find on epay and i think youd be much happier with it than an i931...its smaller but it has bigger sound

took my TRC-975 to poker game last week and a friggin dance party broke out!! i love it when people tell me to turn my crappy old boombox down cuz its just too loud....love it





No Longer Active
docprosper said:
Of course, can't get in the for sale section yet so I don't know how easy a 975 is to come by. I did a quick search on the interwebs and came up with squat.

Believe me when I say that you're seriously OVERestimating the "For Sale" section... You're not missing out on anything. ;-)


Member (SA)
docprosper said:
Of course, can't get in the for sale section yet so I don't know how easy a 975 is to come by. I did a quick search on the interwebs and came up with squat.

Believe me when I say that you're seriously OVERestimating the "For Sale" section... You're not missing out on anything. ;-)
listen to MONO.....although i think there actually is a 975 in the for sale section :hmmm:


Member (SA)
-GZ- said:
docprosper said:
Of course, can't get in the for sale section yet so I don't know how easy a 975 is to come by. I did a quick search on the interwebs and came up with squat.

Believe me when I say that you're seriously OVERestimating the "For Sale" section... You're not missing out on anything. ;-)
listen to MONO.....although i think there actually is a 975 in the for sale section :hmmm:
yup....SINISTER is sellin one...send him a pm and make him an offer....hes a well respected member :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
If your main music weapon of choice is the iPod then the i931 is the way to go.

What it lacks in sound it makes up for in control. The remote is worth A LOT of kudos when it comes to playing from a massive music collection.

Equally. if you are using an iPhone or Touch, the EQ App when playing music makes the i931 look great.

Old boxes are brilliant, but if you want day to day, lug around sound and are not too fussy of the odd knock the i931 is hard to beat.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
PM'd you about my 975 that is for sale ;-) .

If you can score a i931 or a i931X for $75 or less, go for it - Fun new box to have with some cool features. :yes:


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
PM'd you about my 975 that is for sale ;-) .

If you can score a i931 or a i931X for $75 or less, go for it - Fun new box to have with some cool features. :yes:
thanks for the PM, I'll keep you posted but will probably go with the i931 for now. I need to hang out here for a while to figure out what the next investment should be ;-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
There is a local i931 for sale here that I was thinking about getting, price is right too. If you wanted to make a deal for my i931 rap up edition boombox, I could send that to you and pickup this other i931 for myself. Let me know.


Member (SA)
docprosper said:
bdoorm said:
yeah I know, that thing's a beauty. I'm also digging whatever Gluecifer has in his avatar, I'm a bit of a noob so don't know what it is but it looks hella dope.
that is a Conion TC-999 or the AKA made by Techsonic


No Longer Active
-GZ- said:
docprosper said:
bdoorm said:
yeah I know, that thing's a beauty. I'm also digging whatever Gluecifer has in his avatar, I'm a bit of a noob so don't know what it is but it looks hella dope.
that is a Conion TC-999 or the AKA made by Techsonic

Actually, it's full name is the Technisonic Conion TC-999. ;-)
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