Difference between RX-7000 and 7200?

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Boomus Fidelis
Besides the obvious differences (digital vs analog tuner, location of meters), is there any difference in performance or sound quality?


Member (SA)
The 7200 is a little bigger than the 7000. And the 7200 sounds a little warmer than the 7000. Both are better suited as classic-rock or jazz music boxes since they're not thumpers like the 5350. Also, the digital tuner on the 7200 doesn't go to 108 but the analogue tuner on the 7000 does.


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks! Do they at least have more bass than the smaller Pannys, like the 5500, 5600 etc?


Member (SA)
I used to have both, and in my opinion - the 7200 had much better bass, and better sound quality overall, but 7000 has better highs. Also, the 7200 only runs on 100V as far as I recall, but 7000 can work on 110V.
Both are awesome, and I would love to have them both again one day :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks Vlad. So it sounds like the 7000 would definitely be easier to find here in the US? Is its tuner knob flywheel-weighted?


Staff member
The 7200 is far harder to find and was never offered here in USA so all specimens are imported. There is probably TEN 7000's for every 7200 out there.

The 7000 is on many folks wish list though.


Member (SA)
Reli said:
Thanks! Do they at least have more bass than the smaller Pannys, like the 5500, 5600 etc?
No prob, Reli. :-) In my experience, the 7200 can produce better bass than the 5600. But again, it's not earth shaking bass. Really, I hardly turn my boomboxes up past 3. I've never had or heard a 5500 so I can't compare that model. The 7000 is slightly better at producing bass than the 5600, in my opinion. The sound is detailed and not muddy. Build quality of both the 7200 and the 7000 are much better than a 5600. I kept my 5350 and sold my 7200. The 5350 has pretty much the same layout as the 7200. The 5350 doesn't have the digital tuner but its analogue tuner goes to 108. It's a bass king. It's bigger and badder than the 7200. The 7200 does have some pretty lights though. And, as Norm pointed out, it is much rarer. I kept my 7000 and sold my 5600. I loved the 5600 and I might try to get another one someday. But, I felt the 7000 was just better overall. I don't consider the tuner to be weighted. But, it was twin antennas, feather touch cassette deck, illuminated tuner, etc.


Boomus Fidelis
Cool thanks everyone, I am looking to add at least one wood-paneled box to my collection, so now my signature has been updated :yes:


Member (SA)
As a side note, the 7200 cost a lot more back then. I think it is classier than the 7000, on an upscale point of view. Florescents were rare back then, even though its FM is really a novelty here in the US since you cant get in most stations. Now if I could just convince Norm to tune mine to pick 88 to 108. :w00t: :-)


Member (SA)
Reli said:
Thanks Vlad. So it sounds like the 7000 would definitely be easier to find here in the US? Is its tuner knob flywheel-weighted?

No problem :-)
I would say they are both hard to find. And both are very good - can't go wrong with weither one of them :thumbsup: Not sure about the tuner knob - but I think so


Member (SA)
i have both and I honestly think my 7000 sounds better than my 7200.

But I've not done any conclusive testing yet.

Could be the basis for the new glue review!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Although the 7200 is bigger and has a slightly higher quality sound over the 7000, the 7000 is a bit more punchy and I prefer it


Boomus Fidelis
7200 is a much advanced an complicated Boombox. I have one and the sound is unmatched by most boomboxes. Not powerful like a 5350 but top notch quality. Recording on it sounds done on a high end deck. It is packed with lots of components and not many have seen the schematics of it. The deck looks complex. I won't even attempt to change belts on my 7200. I am scared!


Member (SA)
Drooling at the admiration on 7200 by BoomboxLover48.
If 7200 is so scaringly complicated, 7000 is a dream to work on. Simplest layout of any box internals you can touch with.

Then 7000 has got a weighted tuner knob. It can almost travel across the entire dial with one flick.

If the FM doesn't go to 108 it is because of the market it was sold on. Japanese models usually go upto 90 only.


Member (SA)
BMoney said:
The 7200 is a little bigger than the 7000. And the 7200 sounds a little warmer than the 7000. Both are better suited as classic-rock or jazz music boxes since they're not thumpers like the 5350. Also, the digital tuner on the 7200 doesn't go to 108 but the analogue tuner on the 7000 does.
I finally got my hands on RX-7000 (after RX-7200). I agree with the quoted post soundwise.
However I think RX-7000 is a PITA to work on, RX-7200 is so much easier to take apart and get access to the PCBs and cassette mechanism.


Member (SA)
I have both models, too, and I wouldn't categorize them as classic-rock/jazz music boomboxes. Maybe they don't thump just like the 5350, which I have as well, but they are still both top tier thumpers.


Member (SA)
I did side by side comparison of RX-7000 and RX-7200, well 7200 blows 7000 away in the sound quality!
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