Got to a carboot a bit late and throught there would be nothing left, looked around and saw this at the last line, got it home and was surpised when i wiped it off with a clean cloth - gave it clean and a polish and i think it came out sweet - it looks near mint
I love the way it looks and think ithas some thing to it - love the way the chrome buttons and dials look - the big handle - the radio dial - the way the 2 way 4 speakers is writtern, and the way the speaker have the vents in them - cool
well here is a machine that is not a top box, but has some thing about it that i find is way cool - not the biggest in sound but has a feel of a big box just smalller
oh ! and i picked it up for just £2 - don't know if i paid too much ?
Well let me know what you think ?
cheers B
I love the way it looks and think ithas some thing to it - love the way the chrome buttons and dials look - the big handle - the radio dial - the way the 2 way 4 speakers is writtern, and the way the speaker have the vents in them - cool
well here is a machine that is not a top box, but has some thing about it that i find is way cool - not the biggest in sound but has a feel of a big box just smalller
oh ! and i picked it up for just £2 - don't know if i paid too much ?
Well let me know what you think ?
cheers B