Defective Batteries?

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Lasonic TRC-920

Have you ever bought a set of defective batteries?

Short story long...

This weekend was my dad's 72nd birthday and my wife and I flew my brother back to California from Illinois as a surprise birthday gift. My dad's girlfriend organised a semi secret surprise party with a bunch of his friends and as far as I know, there is only one way to ROCK a secret birthday party!

:dj-party: :dj-party: :dj-party:

I went and bought 2 blocks of Duracell D 8 packs at the local Target Store, loaded up and hit the road Friday morning. The party was to be Saturday night. Friday day, we were at my dad's G/F's place and my brother wanted to check out the J1. Of course I'm more than happy to oblige, I hit the power button, it comes on and a few minutes later the sound starts to fade away and the lights go out. At first I thought something happened in transport. But I know how the J1 behaves when the batteries go, but it didn't make any sense. I pulled the batteries out of the stereo and put them in an air mattress we had a sure enough DEAD out of the package. I tested 4 other unused, also dead.

Needless to say I was pissed. $23.90 worth of batteries! I had the receipt so I took them back to Target, but a different store and they gave me a refund so I bought some Energizer's!

And just to complete the story, The J1 TORE UP the party!

So, ever get any bad D cells fresh out of the box?



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I don't even think a store would believe me if I said they were dead right out of the package....... Couldn't say that its happened before.

Lasonic TRC-920

Yeah, I didn't think they would take them back, but I figured, I would ask. I was shocked the lady said she would. I then had to go back and get them out of the radio.


Member (SA)
Not like your story but I've had a **** load of leakers lately (Energizers primarily but others too).

Nowadays when 99% of all the consumer non-rechargeable type batteries are made in bum f&cK china or similar, and now they all seem to want to leak all over my **** I buy all of my batteries at the dollar stores

They always have fresh inventory and at least three "brands" to choose from at any one time

I've tried all the major brands they've had (we're talking just basic alkalines and standard "heavy duty" types here) and service life has been about the same with all of them

They even have VARTA from time to time, Eveready, Rayovac..........all the usual suspects

The .99 Cent Only store near me has all the major brands but I have settled on anything labeled Panasonic (and they always have shiat load of Panasonic and a lot of time, depending on size, they're made in the U.S.A.)

I haven't bought any "D" cells in 35 years or more so I'll sample all the brands they have and report back

Haven't tried my new JVC with battery power yet; actually meant to stop by there and pick up a carton today

On some apps I do go with Duracell or other premium brands, but to be honest can't really tell a whole lot of difference

My wife was bringing home AA and AAAs from Ikea for a long time that kicked ass, really lasted and those were made in Germany (and price about the same as dollar store 8 and 12 packs); but they switched a year or two back and now all there shiat is from china, don't know if Ikea deals in any "D"s

I know Energizers leak like a bitch lately and start doing it about two minutes past the fresh date

MCM carries a house brand that I've read good reviews on but have never tried and in bulk they run only about 10-15 cents a piece

How long will 6 "D" cells last in my M60, on all day at moderate volume (assuming it's a decent battery)? Tape versus radio?

Is it cost effective to go the rechargeable route (when I can buy 6 or 8 Panasonics for a couple of bucks?) Any reason NOT to use rechargeable cells in a boombox? I keep my current radios inside for the most part except for a nice old Toshiba field radio, but that's going to change now. Don't/can't use my Toshiba far from the garage outlet 'cause the AC/DC reed switch is whacked.

I switch the radio on around 6:00 AM and it will usually stay on until around 5-5:30 PM



Member (SA)
Any reason NOT to use rechargeable cells in a boombox?
As long as you know that the box has no internal faults that could lead to dead shorts then no, they're ok but the trouble with rechargeables of all compositions is that they're capable of passing massive currents and will start fires if anything fails short where ordinary Zinc Carbons won't and don't get hot enough.
NiMH and NiCads have lower cell potential so are always passing more current than single use cells for a given consumption figure and Lithium-based batteries are probably better for that reason, I had a pair made up to fit inside the battery tubes on the box in my avatar, each one uses only two cells where with conventional Ds you'd need four (Lithium cell potential being 3V). They have a CCA of 8.4 Amp/Hours :rock: so the JVC's 75 Watt consumption (from 12 Volts on single use batteries or 9.6V on NiMH ones) doesn't challenge them severely, the only problem being that the company made them to the O/D of the tubes rather than the I/D :blush: and I'm awaiting the revised ones to come back. The error was in my drawings but we use them a lot at work since students can't run their laptops from mains in the workshops or outside and I get all of their laptop refill cells from the same source.

I've had alkalines from Philips and others that have been leaking well within their BBE date, some in the blisters that were sent back immediately, but most of my collection uses an 18V supply from a pair of PP9s and as they aren't of cell construction, both silver Eveready (US sourced) and blue Ever Ready (UK sourced) last well beyond their BBE dates and I have some that were made in 2001 still working in the telephone bells. Most recently, I had a bunch of LR44s that arrived dead and had to go back, these were direct from Screwfix yet I've chanced cheap Chinese ones from eBay and had no problems in the same circumstances. You pays your money and takes your choice, innit.
$23.90 - you're lucky. A set of 10 brand name Ds around here will set you back $35. The cheaper Varta brand ones are crap and don't provide anywhere near the runtime of the Duracells and Energizers. That's why I built the DIY box with a 9 Ah SLA - days and days of blasting runtime and a 2 hour recharge and away I go again!

No more leaking Ds!!

James.... :-)


Member (SA)
Beosystem10 said:
As long as you know that the box has no internal faults that could lead to dead shorts then no, they're ok but the trouble with rechargeables of all compositions is that they're capable of passing massive currents and will start fires if anything fails short where ordinary Zinc Carbons won't and don't get hot enough.
NiMH and NiCads have lower cell potential so are always passing more current than single use cells for a given consumption figure and Lithium-based batteries are probably better for that reason, I had a pair made up to fit inside the battery tubes on the box in my avatar, each one uses only two cells where with conventional Ds you'd need four (Lithium cell potential being 3V). They have a CCA of 8.4 Amp/Hours :rock: so the JVC's 75 Watt consumption (from 12 Volts on single use batteries or 9.6V on NiMH ones) doesn't challenge them severely, the only problem being that the company made them to the O/D of the tubes rather than the I/D :blush: and I'm awaiting the revised ones to come back. The error was in my drawings but we use them a lot at work since students can't run their laptops from mains in the workshops or outside and I get all of their laptop refill cells from the same source.

I've had alkalines from Philips and others that have been leaking well within their BBE date, some in the blisters that were sent back immediately, but most of my collection uses an 18V supply from a pair of PP9s and as they aren't of cell construction, both silver Eveready (US sourced) and blue Ever Ready (UK sourced) last well beyond their BBE dates and I have some that were made in 2001 still working in the telephone bells. Most recently, I had a bunch of LR44s that arrived dead and had to go back, these were direct from Screwfix yet I've chanced cheap Chinese ones from eBay and had no problems in the same circumstances. You pays your money and takes your choice, innit.
Thank you for the clarifications!
It's quite the jump for me; from struggling along with trying to learn how to and to work on the outer edges of valve amps (basic maintenance, re-capping and knowing what to do to bring them back on line safely) to boomboxes!
That, as well as a bit of dabbling as of late re-capping and preserving some fine old Direct Drive turntables is about the extent of it for me (actual knowledge/experience).

I have done some other Solid State pieces as well, but again, just part for part preservation/restoration type work. Coloring within the lines and sticking to the original designs as it were. Basically work intended to protect output transformers and in the case of the tables "no longer available" ICs.

In other words, a "hang on artist" or "mechanic" at best. I knew I had heard stories of potential issues when using rechargeables in equipment that predated them somewhere along the line and now, here, you've helped bring a little clarity to the subject.

Thank you!

I can read a schematic, take measurements and solder fairly well but that's about the extent of it for me!

No more than I use batteries (for anything) I think I'll just play it safe for now and stick with single use types (at least until I can go through this machine with a total re-cap). I haven't touched anything yet, not even the power supply which is generally my standard practice if I don't do anything else to a machine.

The main board on this M60 is densely populated with small value electrolytics (I thought my last project was bad) so it will have to be after the holidays that I'll be able to get to this one. Hopefully I'll be able to rid the box of most of them and go with stacked film types (which I've noticed are being phased out by many of my suppliers, "end of life" notices on a lot of them?. Maybe Panasonic's coming out with a new line or everything in this world is finally going to be lead free and SMD construction : - (
At least for now everything is working well so it'll hopefully be just another one of my "parts swap specials".

Always a pleasure. Hardest part for me is preparing the Mouser order!

Not a boombox but my last completed project. Dead On Arrival from the local thrift, now functioning (and looking) as new. Very nice deck, bests my REGA 25 in some ways:

I also have the caps on the way for the little AIWA I've posted on in the walkman section. My Son will be home in a couple of weeks so most likely no more new soldering projects beyond what's already on the bench for a few days a least.

Thank again,


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
$23.90 - you're lucky. A set of 10 brand name Ds around here will set you back $35.
AU$3.50 per D cell? That's still a hair over US$3.00.... insane.

If anyone else here shops at Costco, you can get Duracells for a buck a piece (packs of 14 for $14).
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