Dealing out of ebay

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Member (SA)
Ive lost count of how many radios ive been tracking on ebay suddenly disappear with like a day left.
Nearly everytime something a little bit rare pops up it never runs to the end. It happens so often that deals must be being struck out of ebay.

So now ive found myself messageing sellers to ask if they want to add a buy it now to there auction, not to try and get something cheap, just to be in with a shout winning.

Do you think its accepatable, if you dont ask you dont get? personally i dont think its in the spirit of ebay, but if you cant beat them join them :sad:


Boomus Fidelis
all they can say is no , i have bought a few by offering a price and they ended the auction early , also i had boxes i was bidding on dissappear at the last moment saying the item was no longer available :nonono: so i guess it works both ways :lol:


Member (SA)
It drives me crazy too- But I can see in the economy the way it is, nothing is bringing in what it used to, and sellers are pulling stuff to keep from giving it away. It used to be you could sell sh** on a stick and people would buy it- no more. I have people ask me all the time to end my stuff early and sell privately, but unless I know them and they are friends, I won't do it- and if there is a bid already on an item, I never end it early.


Member (SA)
i dont think there is any thing wrong with asking for a buy it now price, ive done it counts times, but ive never done a deal out side ebay unless i know them, your right if you dont ask you dont get,


Boomus Fidelis
You don't need to do the deal outside ebay. Just change it to a buy it now and tell the buyer exactly when you're going to do it.


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im_alan_partridge said:
Ive lost count of how many radios ive been tracking on ebay suddenly disappear with like a day left.
Nearly everytime something a little bit rare pops up it never runs to the end. It happens so often that deals must be being struck out of ebay.
I can't tell you how many times I've actually been BIDDING on an item with several other people when the seller will suddenly cancel all bids and the item "is no longer available." :thumbsdown: :annoyed:


Staff member
I've seen stuff disappear before the auction closes but most of the time, auctions end as expected. I have not had good luck making pre-emptive offers. In fact, tons of people asking the seller to BIN will actually reinforce the seller's resolve to see the auction through (for experienced sellers). The only times I was able to get auctions ended early preemptively is when the seller is new.

So I hardly ever ask anymore.


Boomus Fidelis
As in my case with the national rx5700, the seller had a buy it now price with free shipping but I wanted to pick it up at a lower cost. Well because I asked before bidding started the seller excepted but let the auction run until I picked it up. He was going to end the auction but I said to leave it go until I got it just to give him some reassurance. Well that could have back fired on me had the seller been an a$$...Even after bidding got up past what I paid with days left :-O moral of the story is the sale is in the sellers hands and they will do what they want ;-)


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
moral of the story is the sale is in the sellers hands and they will do what they want ;-)


But e-Bay knows what goes all times, they just don't really enforce things enough like sellers "ending auctions early" , or a $0.99 Buy It Now with a huge fixed shipping price in which the seller can avoid the fees etc... but they (e-Bay) will always be on top financially, even with all the fraudulent sellers :yes: . e-Bay increased the sellers fees for many different/combined reasons.

Unfortunately, for the sellers that follow and respect e-bay's guidlines & policies...they are the one's stuck paying all the big listing fees, final selling fees & the paypal fees due to a lot of sellers ending auctions early :thumbsdown: The sellers that sell outside of e-bay can't & shouldn't complain about these high fees.

A large amount of members here that collect boxes rely strictly on e-Bay to get their new additions, and will do anything to get them, this will never change. So my advice to all that use e-Bay, if you see something you like and that you really whatever it takes to get it. :thumbsup:
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