I know the feeling bro!systemaddict said:Imo it outshines any box BBL48, but it's my personal grail so goes without saying ha ha..... no offense taken atall bro![]()
BoomboxLover48 said:I know the feeling bro!![]()
I also have some personal grails like this. National Panasoni RX5230 was one that I got tow years ago with the help of our redbenjoe. That was a dream come true and also an Akai AJ500FS.
Cheers wolff3012wolff3012 said:The Philips 8614/8634 has a very very good sound in relation to the batteries and weight.
The most boxes have 15 volt, this philips needs just 12 volt.
Bute the tapesdecs from (the most) philips boxes most have cheap wheels :-(.
Congratulation for that great box !!!
The akai is a sweet looking box for sure, looks top notch build quality too, although I can't say because I have never had the pleasure of owning one. I can see why it is a personal grail though just by the look of it BBL48BoomboxLover48 said:I know the feeling bro!![]()
I also have some personal grails like this. National Panasoni RX5230 was one that I got tow years ago with the help of our redbenjoe. That was a dream come true and also an Akai AJ500FS.
Sure you would, because you could sell the M90 and buy ten or fifteen D8614's with the proceeds.systemaddict said:I also said I would'nt swap for an m90 because it's my personal grail.
Only 10 or 15 ? i would think more like 30+ lolReli said:Sure you would, because you could sell the M90 and buy ten or fifteen D8614's with the proceeds.![]()
Hmm, M90s typically go for £500 or thereabouts if in working order. Lots have been advertised on BINs at higher prices but most seem to be traded off eBay when reality strikes home. £50 would buy you a repairable one of these Philips D8614s but anything for less may have issues beyond the mechanical failings of the transport and the odd discretes that need to be replaced.check tha bass said:Only 10 or 15 ? i would think more like 30+ lol
A grail is a grail... my GF 777 has a loooooong history, i have that blaster in this month now 5 years. I will never sale it...systemaddict said:Cheers wolff3012
The akai is a sweet looking box for sure, looks top notch build quality too, although I can't say because I have never had the pleasure of owning one. I can see why it is a personal grail though just by the look of it BBL48![]()
What you say here is bang on wolff3012, it just so happens mine is the 8614. It was my first box too so goes without saying browolff3012 said:A grail is a grail... my GF 777 has a loooooong history, i have that blaster in this month now 5 years. I will never sale it...
All the partys, the ways home (more than 3 kilometers)...
One of the heaviest boxes wear i through the town.
(ok, the original speakers wasn't okay, so i have replaced them and the sound is much better than original.)
Everyone has a personal holy grail^^
Sharp, JVC, Sanyo, AIWA or a small mono kitchen radio in pink with CD, radio and a cassette deck without the record button^^ good morning![]()
Very logical thinking ReliReli said:Sure you would, because you could sell the M90 and buy ten or fifteen D8614's with the proceeds.![]()
Fair comments mate and good luck acquiring your grailsmonerme69 said:Very impressive sound from the d8164, plenty of all round sound, very clear sound. what impressed me most was the bass even cranked up. Looks wise no match for the m70 and m90s, but have to say sound wise close call, my d8734 is smooth sounding but no match for the d8164, got both box's and love them, but my grail will have to be the m70,90, and my holy of holy grails has to be sharps gf9292, gf9696, looks wise in my opinion, beautiful looking box's, just got hold of a 9191, and going to work my way up to my grails...