custom made boombox on craigslist

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Boomus Fidelis
51" long and 33" high?? I highly doubt it has the power to make use of such big speaker enclosures.
caution said:
Curious what the center section came out of...
The centre section is from a silver Panasonic RX-C45. The thing is huge! It's much bigger than any DIY box I've built. I wonder why he made it so big. Although the speakers look bigger than the original 4 inch Panasonic speakers, the speakers supplied do look very small in that big cabinet.

There is no mention of the power supply i.e battery powered /AC only or what the cabinet is made of.View attachment 19654


Member (SA)
Be interesting to know what the speaker drivers actually are in that thing. Might be worth the whole Shebang right there! I just sent question actually.

I cannot believe there is a carry strap for that ! For who, Andre the Giant ??? Needs a fricken gurney or at least for any one of us old farts trying to haul that around. :lol:

I agree with Reli tho, The boxes would at least need to ported to get the most out of the power available.


Boomus Fidelis
i thought it would save me some work by just modifying it to my needs , basically gut the ****er and go from there.


Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
i thought it would save me some work by just modifying it to my needs , basically gut the farker and go from there.
Superduper said:
It's worth $35. Go get it man!
Yup to both of ya! You couldn't build that box (time , travel, etc factored in) for $35 !

Those rectangular trims would come in handy for some ribbon tweeters too!
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