Crazy restauration reloaded?

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Boomus Fidelis
Was today visiting our local bus depot.
Delivered some tools there.

Then i entered an area, never been before.
And how could it be other, what my eyes see?
An awful dirty old boombox! :-O
But it´s a SPATIAL STEREO :w00t:


Dirty like hell and unused for years.
Another modern PHILIPS playing next to it.

This time it was much easier to find the owner. :-)
He told me one day it stopped working.
It was placed in the last corner of the area and simply forgotten.
But he will dump it at the next area cleaning.

:nonono: Not with me!

Few euros for coffee and the poor box came with me.
Both happy. :smooch:

But at the daylight the horror came out:

It was the place where the busses gets new colour.
So this is not ordinary dirt, it´s colourspray at it. :'-(


The whole box ist over and over with grey groundingcolor. :sadno:


But before cleaning i must get it working.
It gets power, but finds no station.
Only rumblin and scratching :hmmm:

Any idea for cleaning.
Spiritus helps not.
And the dirt can be scratched off quiet easy with the finger nails:


So i´m hopefully to be able to clean it.
Soap water with strong sponge? :hmmm:
Or anything else? :huh:


Also the battery-door is missing.

Is it worth to save this poor one?


For sure not!
But i will try it. :yes:

My plan:

Cleaning + repair not able: parting :'-(
Cleaning yes, repair no: storage :-/
Cleaning no, repair yes: custom paint :sin:
Cleaning yes, repair yes: :breakdance:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Here are some tips that might work / might not and none involve sandpaper are harsh chemical strippers. It will just take some experimentation to find one that works with that particular paint.


Clean Cloth with Dish Washing Liquid with Bleach

The first tip for removing paint from plastic is to very simple. You need a clean cloth and without wetting it with water, you rub three tablespoons of dish washing liquid with bleach into it. Take the cloth and in circular motions go over the plastic until all of the paint is removed.

Warm Lemon Juice

The second tip for removing paint from plastic is to use warm lemon juice. You are going to need 1/2 to one cup of lemon juice. Warm it in the oven or in the microwave. Cool for a minute or two and pour it in a spray bottle. Spray it on to the paint, wait a minute and wipe off with a clean cloth. Repeat until all of the paint is gone.

Blue Food Coloring Dye and Warm Water

The third tip for removing paint from plastic is to use blue food coloring dye and warm water. Microwave 1/2 to one cup of water in the microwave for three minutes or on a stove. Once the water has slightly cooled, add three drops of blue food coloring. Pour it into a spray bottle and use on the paint, wait a minute before wiping with a clean cloth. Repeat until all of the paint is gone. The blue food dye acts as an acid that helps remove the paint.

Warm Cloth With Vinegar

The fourth tip for removing paint from plastic is with a warm cloth douse with white vinegar. Warm a clean cotton cloth in the microwave for two minute and pour on to it some white vinegar. Take the cloth and go over the plastic until all of the paint is removed.

Table Salt with Warm Cloth

The fifth tip for removing paint from plastic is to pour table salt on to a warm cloth. Microwave a clean cotton cloth for two to three minutes, afterwards pour two to three teaspoons of table salt on to the cloth. Rub the table salt into the cloth and use on paint. Repeat until all of the paint is gone.


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks bobby! :cool:

Will make some trys at the back side.
The biggest part will be to get it working. :hmmm:
Will open it soon.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've also had some luck removing minor paint splatter by using Orange Glo. It is made specifically for wood, but it works wonders for plastic and chrome antennas. And it is ALL NATURAL!

Maybe you can find a similar product in your location.


Boomus Fidelis
Want more?
Get more! :-D

Started with cleaning.
Simply a dishwasher + sponge (hard side)

Make it wet, wait a few minutes, then careful cleaning.
Works! :thumbsup:


Good luck: The dust at it was like a securfoil at it.
So the colordust came not direct at the box.
The scratches are not from me, anybody scratched the dust partial off , for reading the labels :annoyed:
Take a look at the plate, grip, aerial... :cool:


Here the uncleaned side for comparing: :thumbsdown:


Must make new labels :-/


Scale ;-)


But enough with cleaning.
Whats a clean, but dead box.... :sadno:
So open it and take a look inside:


I called him and he told me, it was fallen down when it stopped working.
He looked inside but found nothing.
First look from me > ok, this can´t work.
A corner and some printwires broken :-O


Would be lovely if this all of trouble.
Wish me luck :angelic:

Belt is dead, need a new:


Now i want to hurry up.
End of next week i go to holidays and if i can get it working, it will come with me. :breakdance:
Must also find something for the missing batterydoor. :hmmm:

Stay tuned... ;-)


Member (SA)
ViennaSound said:
Started with cleaning.
Simply a dishwasher + sponge (hard side)

OH NO , please Roman don´t use the hard side :-O , you will scratch it all over .


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Börny said:
ViennaSound said:
Started with cleaning.
Simply a dishwasher + sponge (hard side)
OH NO , please Roman don´t use the hard side :-O , you will scratch it all over .
I agree. Don't use the hard side. :no:

That broken corner can be fixed. :yes:

Good luck, Roman. :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Ok, will try it at the soft side.
And i will take some of the cleaner in our company.
It´s strong, but not agressive. :yes:

Also interesting:
The life inside is labeled from ELIN ! :-O :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
hey roman that a cool story please continue as hoprfully that broken trace may just be the only thing just cross fingers then a good take the whole thing apart and a deep clean a new belt and you just scored another fine box :yes: :yes: :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
Just throwing in a pic after the clean up.
But need some more work.

Also the repair needs time - i had no. :blush:
But it´s not forgotten! :yes:


Hm, the bad pic makes it dirty looking again.. :lol: :-P


Member (SA)
id love to get my hands on one of these-that philips is in one of the pics of a breakdance scene in france from 1984 in the boombox project book-looks a lot better after its clean-and im glad all the paint and dirt from the buses has lifted :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
1phatboy said:
any updated pics of the box :hmmm:

Guess it will end as partspender.
Got the same one in pretty mint condition on flea for 10euros.
So i will spend my time on another project ;-)
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