Couple of Little Free Weekend Scores

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Member (SA)
This weekend was our semi-annual Free Weekend Giveaway in our city, and without breaking a sweat I nabbed all this in about an hour driving around :thumbsup: People just toss their unwanted stuff on the curb for grabbin' ! FREEBIES 001.JPG
Panny FM14FREEBIES 011.JPG Realistic SCR-40 Headphones look to have never been used FREEBIES 013.JPG
Gorgeous set of Realistc Minimus 7W & Altec computer speakers

All producing sound, but further testing needed.

Oh, and also a wack 'o hand tools plus the set of Technics SB-X500/X505 boomers are on (one of each, lol) speakers for $5 @ a garage sale en route.
Pic pilfered from net as I have already dismantled them_sbx505_speakers.jpg


Member (SA)
Will have to wait 'til next May ! Book your flight, rent a 5 ton truck and shipping container and you're set! ;-) :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
i wanna bumper sticker that says " i break for junk piles" , because i do. can't even walk by a dumpster without looking in because i might be missing out on something lol. i got that fred sanford junk man's intuition . that translates into me sticking my face into some smelly ass dumpster because i'm nosy .

awesome scores!.


Boomus Fidelis
JVC Floyd said:
i wanna bumper sticker that says " i break for junk piles" , because i do. can't even walk by a dumpster without looking in because i might be missing out on something lol. i got that fred sanford junk man's intuition . that translates into me sticking my face into some smelly ass dumpster because i'm nosy .

awesome scores!.
Yep I'm a bit of a skip rat...always look in them to see if there's anything worth picking up :-)


Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
that translates into me sticking my face into some smelly ass dumpster because i'm nosy .

awesome scores!.
Thanks man! You never fail to crack me up.

Could probably furnish an apt block in a morning if one had a big enough truck on the these weekends. Wish I could have spent some time in my neighbourhood tho! Lot's of retired folks with $

Happy still with this haul.


Member (SA)
Northerner said:
Yep I'm a bit of a skip rat...always look in them to see if there's anything worth picking up :-)
It's like If ya catch a glimpse of something once, that's all it takes! Your hooked! :blink:


Member (SA)
mancardo said:
i like that lil Realistic box with the ear buds in the back....that's cool :thumbsup:
Ambience said:
Wow nice grabs, I'm especially fond of that little yellow Realistic and those Technics speakers!
Thanks guys, and interesting little unit for sure, but I feel it is in need of a Resto-Brite treatment as it was a cream colour originally it looks like. Still looks good tho.
2015-09-15 23.21.49.jpg


Member (SA)
systemaddict said:
The realistic is a sweet looking box, congrats on the pick ups :-)
Thx man,

blu_fuz said:
The wind up headphones are rad! :cool:
I thought so too! It's like the biggies @ Tandy Corp took all the designers, sat them in a room with a big 'Bag' and said "come up with something different boys!" :gathering:


Member (SA)
im_alan_partridge said:
I can only echo what others have said about that SCR40, but if your going to use them earphones give them a wipe :lol:
Uh, . . . . Yup! :sick: :lol: They do look clean as a whistle, but . . . . .
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