Couple BIG additions this weekend...

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Member (SA)
Never seen a Sharp VZ2000 in person till yesterday. DEAR LORD! They showed up in the best packaging I've ever seen, and each in a box the size of a small fridge. They both are shiny as darn near like new, 100% functional, yes they have all new belts already. Just beyond sick to me having never used one before, and being a bit of a vinyl nut already with 4 Tec 1200s in the house and DJ'ing as a hobby for the last decade plus. And both included the crazy silly 80's sharp demo record, case and all in like new condition. I haven't seen those before, are they pretty rare or I have just not been looking enough? 1 orig instructions manuel, 1 schematic sheet, a Sharp product warning about 'electricity', the 'shipping screws', and even the orig paper w string loop about removing the shipping screws before using. Again, no idea how rare all of those items are but it seems all it's missing is the box.

And speaking of big additions, also finally got a JVC 550 too. Functions great, some scratches on the metal but nothing beyond what I wanted.

Now I just need a damn wide angle lens camera to even get this in the same shot in my basement. Gonna try to get em outside tomorrow w that blue sky background and natural sun light, aka 'Blasterpunk' style. Love his pics.

The boxes are sick but those Sharp demo records are just hilarious.

All kinds of original goodies.

Had to try it out with the new BK One 'sour apple green' colored vinyl.

Almost worried about my ping pool table giving way with all that weight.


Member (SA)
No lottery really, no flea market find or anything that 'lottery like'. and no I wasn't the one who paid $2375 for 1 of them. But I feel both of mine are as good or better than that one really, and with more 'goodies' like the demo records, and not a 4 figure price for 1. Not cheap, but I'm totally fine with what I paid.

One more pic of the dozens I've taken already as they make me drool. This one I took and sent to some local DJ/friends around town. I doubt anyone has done a set using 2000's and a mixer. It's doable, but you'd have no pitch adjustments, and no scratching of course. Either way, thought it was a funny picture/idea.

And those that notice a couple of the sliders are missing (per usual on these), included were more than twice as many cast replicas of the sliders than I need. I think the guy who makes them is on this board.

Just add DJ.


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I almost like the black version better than the blue and red. Both are equally impressive for sure. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Great additions! I'm so glad that you are getting all these boxes soooo close to home for me so when you are ready to sell they will be all mine and I can pick them up! woooo hooooo!


Member (SA)
You just better not get my live-in girlfriends phone number once we get engaged as I'm sure she'd setup the uhaul reservation for ya. Luckily, when she saw these VZ2000s she actually said how really cool they are. Let's just say she doesn't probably see why I have a few dozen boxes when so many are pretty much the same in her mind. Like these 2 VZs. If they were exactly the same, I would've (probably) only bought 1, but really who doesn't want every Lasonic 935 variation, every Conion/Technisonic 126, every Conion/Helix/Clairtone 100C AKA.

Or maybe I really do have issues and she's just playing nice....... for now.


Member (SA)

Is this the delivery damage blasters mentioned in the General section? If so I recind my 777's from China guess!

I'd kill for those Sharp pciture discs, incredible! What's actually on them?

Rock On.


Member (SA)
You really can't make up how terrible the music is on those demos records. It's some songs from back 82/83 covered by some cover band named 'us disco explosion'. Of course I'm a fan of Rapture, but the cover of that and all others are just brutal. Also included are such classic as Bettie Davis Eyes and Who's Gonna Rock You from Billy Ocean, but covered by this crap band instead. Again, just just can't make it up.

Here's some detailed shots of the demo picture discs and cover. They are mint condition, which makes sense as nobody in their right mind would listen to them.

Looks like this lady from the 80s is a big fan of Boston

That pose looks real natural, go with it! Oh and don't forget the ORANGE JUICE!!!! What the hell were they thinking?


For a quick sample, I took a little clip posted with a sample of those songs. Put your ear plugs in now.


Member (SA)
Oh, and here's the packaging. About the size of a fridge in London. Stickered up for better handling and so much padding I could sleep in there. They each probably took over 15 minutes to open. Just layers and layers of bubbles and everything.




Member (SA)
Oh it's a classic picture disc baby, blue on one side red on the other, and both sides are full of terrible disco covers that Sharp didn't want to buy the rights to use the real versions of.


Member (SA)
:-O :-O :-O that is one of the best double pick ups ive seen for in ages, never seen the black speaker model before it must be rare. Super super score.
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