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Member (SA)
Figured this is all the talk these days so might as well have a post on it. Hope everyone is staying well within our Boomboxery community.

Went to the store today. Why in the heck are people buying out toilet paper? Really? I get hand sanitizer. What floats my boat is folks buying everything up and then selling on Amazon and eBay for 300 and 400 dollars. :thumbsdown:


Staff member
I went to grocery store today to buy some meat, veggies & a loaf of bread. Shelves where canned goods & water were are empty like looted. Twin lines to checkout snaked around store where you normally only had 1 or 2 customers deep. Now was like 30 customers deep. It’s like, no, it’s worse than Black Friday. Ridiculous, and totally out of hand. At first it was hand sanitizers, rice and toilet paper. Now there’s a run on everything.


Boomus Fidelis
Totally unnecessary and stupid. Panic buying creating shortages creating more panic buying...round and round the morons go lol


Member (SA)
Very sad indeed. When I first heard I just bought some extra supplies every time I went out,no hoarding just got extra of things and now I’m ok for a while. I gradually got extra supplies. I just hope things will settle down soon!

Just make sure you have batteries for your boomboxes !
Yes I hope everyone stays healthy and is careful -and keep your distance and no hand shaking.😮🎶🎼📻


Boomus Fidelis
The funny thing is that people think they can poop a lot without getting food supplies and buy tons of toilet paper.
They want to keep the rear end half way clean even if they starve. :yes: :lol: :w00t: :w00t:


Member (SA)
Open up yahoo, it's filled with articles by some idiots like: "take a look at Italy it's our tomorrow", "what to buy in order to survive", "there are more victims than they officially say", Apparently people read this crap and rush to stores. Jacksonville is not bad so far store-wise.


Member (SA)
Went grocery shopping yesterday. No veg, no potato's, not one thing of any meat left. No canned goods, no dish soap, tp, paper towels, no hand soap. Crab legs were on sale, $8.99 a pound!


Boomus Fidelis
My store had no onions or potatos at all..........But tons of fruit and vegetables
Typical white people, lol


Boomus Fidelis
Yep and not a ****ing ramen noodle for 50 miles . the world sucks lol.

Damn me to hell but I won't be alone , this world is hell you just haven't fallen through the thin floor beneath you feet yet lol.


Member (SA)
It's pretty crazy. So I'm in the Seattle area, they started with the Toilet paper, sanitizer and cleaning supplies two weeks ago. The past week is been all the bread, meat, canned/boxed foods, water/hydration drinks, and now baby wipes.

Baby wipes typically aren't flushable... so are people just wiping and throwing them in the trash? Barf... I mean, mine go in the diaper I just took off my baby, and then in either the trash or diaper bin.


Member (SA)
It's no better in the UK, stores are empty, queues at all times, idiots buying way more than they need to. The world has gone mad!

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
there is one good thing about this, all sport is off lol, i think they have a cheek calling it sport when it's all about money


Member (SA)
Well.... we got told yesterday that as of Monday we'll be off for at least two weeks. Paid though.

I guess we are minimizing operations at work, and only a "Skeleton Crew" of essential positions and employees will be working.

I guess I am not "Essential." But I'm getting paid to do my own stuff around my house for a few weeks so I guess I won't complain one bit, seeing how many others are having to apply for unemployment, I'd say I'm lucky.


Boomus Fidelis
I’m feeling really lucky right now as I moved from a busy town to a remote bit of countryside last year. Couldn’t have timed it better! I can wander for miles and still be in isolation


Member (SA)
I'm in restaurant IT. The equipment I work on is the dirtiest when it comes to germs as it is where all the money is handled and stored. I've been working with gloves on although I am not sure that helps. Our lobbies are take out only but they are all still open to the public to come in and at times you do have more than 10 people both ordering and/or waiting for their food. I have to wonder how safe I really am working in this environment.


Staff member
Transistorized said:
I'm in restaurant IT. The equipment I work on is the dirtiest when it comes to germs as it is where all the money is handled and stored. I've been working with gloves on although I am not sure that helps. Our lobbies are take out only but they are all still open to the public to come in and at times you do have more than 10 people both ordering and/or waiting for their food. I have to wonder how safe I really am working in this environment.
You can always don an N95 mask. People will avoid you like the plague, but that's probably OK since you probably don't want to be near them either.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
I'm in restaurant IT. The equipment I work on is the dirtiest when it comes to germs as it is where all the money is handled and stored. I've been working with gloves on although I am not sure that helps. Our lobbies are take out only but they are all still open to the public to come in and at times you do have more than 10 people both ordering and/or waiting for their food. I have to wonder how safe I really am working in this environment.
You can always don an N95 mask. People will avoid you like the plague, but that's probably OK since you probably don't want to be near them either.
:lol: I thought about that. Probably end up being quarantined :-) So far I guess I am lucky in the sense that I am still making money. So many people out of a job right now.
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