Collecting Criteria?

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Member (SA)
Just interested to know what 'moves' individual collectors to choose or have certain boxes on their wish lists.
For me it's probably up to 50% aesthetic/charisma when choosing. 30% sound, 10% nostalgia and 10% exclusivity. That's just a rough summary.

There are no right or wrong answers so let's not be critical of others responses.

Sorry if this has been done before but I'm interested to know as there is a lot of variety in this hobby.


Member (SA)
For me I would have to say Im visually drawn to the aesthetic's of a boombox, as well as the size. I have to have eye candy, and Im more into the one piece radios. Don't get me wrong, I love a good quality sound too, so if a box has both the great looks and the sound to match, Im a happy man :cool:


Boomus Fidelis
my motivation is , the boombox has always been part of my life . no matter what brand or model i basically try to save what nobody else wants . i don't discriminate , i guess i'm a sucker for a boombox in need . my collection has soared with the eagles and slithered with the snakes and everything in between , to quote the late great macho man randy savage.


Member (SA)
Great topic and a tough one. I can kinda echo Floyd here, I enjoy rescuing boxes and doing the repairs and bringing them back to life. I bought a box recently, completely restored it and then sold it at the weekend to a happy chap who was made up with it. I made a small amount of money but no where near what my time warranted but i still so enjoyed it.

I think i have 2 catagories, I have ones i rescue and try to bring back to life, not worried about keeping them just saving them. Then i have my ones I won't part with. these tend to be classic one piece boxes. I think I am 50% looks, 40% sound and 10% just because.


Boomus Fidelis
I'm probably not far off Rudy's percentages...looks are critical, sound is next, everything else is relatively minor though at the moment I'm really liking the uncommon boxes


Member (SA)
For me its always looks first, I must like the look of it or I wont get it.
Then its pretty important that at least the radio works because i am no techy, i can use a damp cloth and that is it.
How good it sounds is next, the better it sounds the more use it will get.
If there is any action left in the cassette deck, then that's a bonus :w00t:


Member (SA)
Looks to suck ya in but not flashy, then sound, and that is a MUST. No 3 dressed up as a 9 for me. Got to perform!

I like a solid athletic build without too much makeup ! ;-)

I also tend to go for the unique designs (exclusivity) too when acquiring any gear.


Member (SA)
100% OEM in the best available condition (restoration and cleaning is not a problem). Well, as long, as there is something left to clean and restore...
As for the brand/model selection - if I see something I like (pictures do not tell full story untill I see the actual radio).


Member (SA)
Hisrudeness, you must've been reading my mind! I was searching last night for a "What kind of boxes you collect" thread but couldn't find it.. I swear it exists!
Anyways, I started out collecting the big "street blasters", known for their presence in the HipHop community...but, I've expanded to just about anything: minis, 3-piece compos, even a basic "no frills" midsize.. They all have their place in my collection! :breakdance:

I still prefer a cheap, beat up box over a pristine shelf queen.. That way it's easier to paint & customize to my liking without being out a lot of $$$! Plus, you have to be so careful with a minty box, it'd ruin your day if it ever got scratched! :-/


Member (SA)
Nice topic....for me it's
  1. Looks: Chrome, VU meter (needles) and LED lights is what attracts me on Boomboxes.
  2. Sound: Bass... I love Bass. ( that's why I love the M90's ugly sister...the JVC-B90) :lol:
All my boxes are mostly chromed. I saw some Amazing... mostly Black boxes at the Hollywood meet...but they had great sound. One day I'll own one of those monsters :rock: .


Member (SA)
1. 100% OEM in the best available condition (restoration and cleaning is not a problem)
2. Looks: Chrome, VU meter (needles) and LED lights is what attracts me on Boomboxes
3. Size: bigger the better
4. Sound quality, bass is important but you don't get good bass with thin plastic.
5. Brand


Member (SA)
Sometimes there is no explanation. You see a radio or model that 'talks' to you and you're not sure why you like it but it goes on the list or shelf.

This Mitsubishi I've just got was on my mind since I saw another on an Aussie auction that last year. Just liked the way it looked. Luckily it sounds good as well!


Member (SA)
For me I like the mid to early era Japanese built boxes, they are mostly grey colored size not important. must have seperate bass and treble control or eq and line input which pretty much limits them to upper end models.


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
In order:
Sound quality performance.
Build quality
James.... :-)
Me in the exactly same order...

I use my radios in the streets, sound quality and PERFORMANCE really matters.



Member (SA)
I've struggled with replying to this question, struggled quite a bit.

I'm limited to the amount of space I have and it's not an awful lot so I need to take this into account alongside of other consideration such as aesthetics, quality, sound, 'gut feeling, controls layout etc. Because of the space issue I'd like a range of different styles, shapes, colours to make a comparatively modest collection more interesting.

The ol' favourites with a bias towards the more traditional silver & chrome look will always play a part but so will a colour range, different sizes from the smaller of the minis through to at least one box larger than my GF-9000. When it comes to other features there'll always be a place for 'waffle' & 'telephone dial' grills/speaker covers and, with this particular feature, I plan to acquire some of the more interesting mono boxes.

On board quartz clocks/timers I appreciate, digital tuners I'm not keen on at all as they take out all the tuning fun and make hard work of tuning. Shortwave is another feature I'll always look for and at least one RCA Line In is increasingly a must-have for my mp3 files.

I'll be happy with an eclectic collection from the best years of the Classic Boombox Era. If they have the feature(s) I desire, the distinctive appearance that identifies each one as being just that little bit .....'special' in it's own right then I'm interested.

Sorry about the waffle, I can't really pinpoint a (very) shortlist of specifics!


Member (SA)
A excellent but tough topic---
I've always been into tape---
With Boomboxes --the design is important--if the design strikes me, or hits a memory that's very important--sound as well--but i like a full-total sound, not just big bass so many off grail boxes appeal to me....
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