Cleaning foam from battery compartment

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New Member
Hi All,

New owner of a JVC RC-M90 here. I just got it today and wanted to give it a good cleaning. I opened the battery compartment and the foam had degraded to the point of crumbling. My main hobby is vintage computer collecting and I deal with this occasionally so I thought I'd do a quick write up on cleaning that up, if anyone is interested.

I removed the foam and a tar-like substance held it in place. The best thing to remove this is good ole WD40. It is actually very good at removing sticky labels and ancient glue. I tested it on a thin spot and it looked good enough to proceed.

I removed the remainder with a liberal amount of WD40 and a soft bristle tooth brush. This got a good portion off but there were some rough spots left and I had to use a finger nail for that. Note that the four rubber pads in the corners WILL fall off. It has glue underneath these as well and WD40 will dissolve it as well. Once everything is washed with soap (to remove the WD40 and residue, you will need some rubber contact cement to put the four rubber pads back on.


Once done, there is a small amount of discoloration due to the old glue interacting to the plastic but it's clean and no longer sticky.

Hope this helps someone else.
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K dabras

Member (SA)
Nice job, lucky you! I've been looking for one in the last 14 months with no luck seems like nobody owns one here in mexico.
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