Clairtone 7980 whiten yellowed back panel project

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Member (SA)
I recently decided to try whitening the back panel on my sacred 7980. It was a really dark yellow and figured I had nothing to lose. I ended up with decent results except for a little discoloration. I learned a few things you shouldn't do along the way too...

Here's the stuff I used - 40% hydrogen peroxide cream. $4.50 at the local beauty supply store. You've gotta wear gloves with this nasty stuff, even a little bit on your hands burns like crazy. Figured that out the hard way. ;-)


The plastic was really yellowed...notice the difference between the battery cover.


I taped off the inside to keep the cream from dripping through


I put it outside for the UV reaction to take place. Covered the solution with plastic wrap to keep it from evaporating. I think the wrinkles in the plastic caused some of the discoloration, so make sure you keep the plastic flat on all surfaces.


At night I put it under a UV blacklight bulb to keep things moving... $20 at Fryes


After 32 hours of direct UV light I washed it all off. It looked great when it was wet, but after drying there were areas that were slightly discolored, especially the top where the plastic wrap was crinkled... so I put it back under the UV light for another 12 hours with the peroxide cream just on top to see if I could even it out.



Here's the final result - notice how the battery cover is nearly the same color now. This pic shows the discoloration, but it's actually not too noticeable without direct light. :-) If anybody knows of a good plastic conditioner that would help with that lemme know. I tried rubbing some Armour All on it but it didn't soak in.





Member (SA)
That impressive.

I would suggest to give the Maguire's Trim Restorer a crack. This stuff is awesome.

Ultra Trim Restorer.png

I allways wash Boxes with this Palmolive it too leaves a nice finish on Plastics and rubber, must be the aloe.

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