Hello so back in the 1980s early 82 or 83 I bought my first boombox, I was a working at a grocery/corner store that my parents owned in a small town in coastal northern BC Canada, this town had a population of about 800 people. the nearest bigger community was about 80 miles and a ferry ride away, after working a few months, our family went to the bigger town to go shopping I went into the local CO-OP store and seen the biggest boombox I had seen, I took that beast home, opened up the box and took it out It was massive. So 1985 comes and my boombox stopped working and like so many vintage item's it ended up in the landfill. skip 30 years and I’m trying to remember what it was I bought, what I remember about this boombox it had song skip, song search something that at the time seemed not common, that worked sometimes. It was not a name brand I was familiar with like Sony, JVS, Sears, Panasonic. I had no pictures from then. But the Clairtone model 7978 came out about that time, what else may have it been? Anyways a few months back I bought a Vintage General Electric Radio / Boombox | Model 3-5252D, that needed a good cleaning and works great, thanks so much.