Cigarette Burns on Boxes WTF :-(

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Lasonic TRC-920

What is the deal with cigarette smokers and setting their burning cigs on the tops of boxes?

There is an M90 on ePay right now with HUGE cig burns on the top. I see it all the time, makes me INSANE! :bang:

These people would probably set burning cigarettes on top of their kids heads :nonono:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
These people would probably set burning cigarettes on top of their kids heads :nonono:
Ain't it the truth! :dunce: Uhm, VIBRATION people !

Any level surface to put an ashtray or your butt. Got a burn on top of my big oak JBL's from doper brother-in-law. :annoyed:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I can't even imagine someone doing that to my ****. Pure retard mode for 2 reasons; #1 you are smoking, #2 you put the sig down on some expensive ****!


Member (SA)
I've seen that before but usually on furniture or a big old console tv, Probably, Many years ago my grandmother was in her friends new Buick, It must have been six months old maybe, Apparently there were all these burn marks all over the dashboard, Apparently the guys son had taken the lighter out of the ashtray and burned imprints into it, She was astonished, the car owner shrugged and said kids will be kids, It seems people are destructive sometimes when they are young, some people just like destroying things, for no particular reason, I'm thinking the M90 was a flea market find in 1995 or so by a grunge era stoner teenager, It was $20 or something.... No cd player, scratchy controls.... Multiple owners, Gotta remember this stuff was all old junk at one point, My car was once $45,000 dollars now its worth maybe $4000, Someday if it lasts long enough, and all the other ones go to junk yard, It might go up in value again, Look at 80's/90's Jeep Cherokees, the boxy old one, When I was a kid they were just family wagons, expensive, as I got older they became beaters, dents, scratches, rust, even the really nice ones, leather seats ripped... But now since their all gone around here they are going up in value, My dream car is a 1990 Jeep Cherokee Briarwood, I told a friend who was repairing my car about it, He told me he had one of those from his dads friend, It had 80k on it and was in mint shape, they beat it through the woods till it died.. :'-( But well in 2004 that car was worth maybe $1500 bucks... and it was ugly to most people (fake wood paneling) I've never abused my things whether they are valuable or not, but others don't see it that way


I Am Legend
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Oh, well, in that case :D
:lol: :lol: -- if it was real good shittte --well worth a thin melt mark :w00t:

btw --i i have a museum quality // tippple mint shiny black rc550 --all working
sounds awesome and its a gorgeous piece of equipment to look at.

BUT it has a !' long x 1/4" deep ciggy melt concave part on the top --
bothered me a bit - until i found a little oval surfer sticker to cover it up -- looks perfect

Lasonic TRC-920

:lol: :lol: -- if it was real good shittte --well worth a thin melt mark :w00t:

btw --i i have a museum quality // tippple mint shiny black rc550 --all working
sounds awesome and its a gorgeous piece of equipment to look at.

BUT it has a !' long x 1/4" deep ciggy melt concave part on the top --
bothered me a bit - until i found a little oval surfer sticker to cover it up -- looks perfect

There are many ways to deal with it.



Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
:lol: :lol: -- if it was real good shittte --well worth a thin melt mark :w00t:

BUT it has a !' long x 1/4" deep ciggy melt concave part on the top --
bothered me a bit - until i found a little oval surfer sticker to cover it up -- looks perfect

Lasonic TRC-920 said:
There are many ways to deal with it.
So true guys, and that bites a bit RBJ for sure. . With my speaker, I don't even notice it or let it bother me when I am sitting down lost in the sound, but it bugs the crap outta me when I see it and recall that my Brother-in-law let his roach burn it after passing out only 2 weeks after I bought them from him ! :annoyed: But he did always have good stuff !


Boomus Fidelis
Back in the day boomers were probably just a radio to some people so they probably didn't care at all what happened to them.
Not important as they are now to us all. :huh: :-/ :dunce:

Lasonic TRC-920

So true guys, and that bites a bit RBJ for sure. . With my speaker, I don't even notice it or let it bother me when I am sitting down lost in the sound, but it bugs the crap outta me when I see it and recall that my Brother-in-law let his roach burn it after passing out only 2 weeks after I bought them from him ! :annoyed: But he did always have good stuff !

Buying a radio with a burn in it is one thing. Burning it by accident yourself is one thing.

BUT...watching your brother in law do it jack ass style is another


Member (SA)
I didn't even notice till the following day and he was at work (they stayed @ their house for 3 weeks till I got my new place) but just happy he was @ work when I saw it! I was just a 20 yr old kid and he was a bit of a monster and psycho, so it was the best situation really that he wasn't there . He did feel bad though and later set me up with a gift per say ;-) . Still, it is a bad burn in solid oak.


I Am Legend
as a matter of small concern --let me correct a post --
my ciggy burn is on my perfect PC 550 // not an rc550

the pc sounds 22 times better than the mono rc --melt mark or not :-)
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