The Vid company did a great job with you and your story. I've been to Baltimore 1-2 times while living in SliverSprings,MD. and working at Walter Reed ARMY Hospital in Wash. D.C. I got to see the downtown area and Orioles Baseball stadium. I especially loved the dinner boat cruise we did and the Hooters Restuarant on the docks. That's a happening place. I gotta say, that Green hat you're rockin' is Dope as hell. Love the color. Great story OSS.
Now love Baltimore . Love your style OSS Just dont like - you're struggling with the Denons, Pioneer rules here Thanks for that video. It is so charged with positive energy
Yes I can say the buttons could be stronger on that model Denon, but my whole DJ style
revolves around them and their fabulous looping buttons.
I like the Pie as well though.
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