Cant Wait for Summer

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Member (SA)
Coming up to what will be my 1st full summer of being a boomboxerite.
When i started last summer i had just the one and it was only once the nice weather was coming to an end that i started to really get a few nice radios.
I can not wait to get out side for some decent blasting in the garden with a few beers and maybe some bbq. Also get to take some nice photos of whats now a 20 box collection. Start scouring the fleas for this years bargains.
Yep, roll on the summer :yes: :yes:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
You went from one boombox to 20? Hahaha, that's awesome! Yeah, I can't wait for warmer weather too. Boomboxes, barbecues, brewskies, and babes!! (Not necessarily in that order) :lol:


Member (SA)
It's quite the same with me. I only had two big but rather low end boomers last summer - they were used quite a lot :-) This summer I'll have a lot more... already over twenty. And still, I'm looking for a behemoth boombox that will make my summer :-D I'll probably be going for a Telefunken Hifi Studio 1M :yes:


Member (SA)
Yes! I'm also waiting with you.


At the moment it looks like this:



Member (SA)
You guys can wait for summer if you want was 70 today on my side of the Bay Area and I was in the backyard all day cooking ribs and chicken....and listening to some 80's hip-hop on the M70... :thumbsup: . Tomorrow I am taking the kids to the park with the M90 in my hand.


Boomus Fidelis
hollyrockets said:
Skippy, those pics remind me of one of my FAVORITE artists and FAVORITE albums. Can you guess who?
No my mind is a blank Holly. :grim: |-) :huh: :blink: :blink:
I'm sure once you tell me I'm be like........ :dunce: :blush:

shane higgins

Member (SA)
arr sunny western Australia were when we have a BBQ when invite the whole neighborhood
no floods here no earth quakes here just good old fashion bush fires to cook your road kill
i cannot wait as well yard sales are an excellent source of stereo fun but they dont happen when its snowing. I need to make some more moneys so i can build a great empire of stereo.


Member (SA)
I'm hoping to snag one of my 'wants' list boomers this summer, that will be nice. (And miraculous if it actually happens!).

But whatever, roll on long, warm, lazy days and clear blue sky with music and a cold beer or cider. :surf:


Member (SA)
Well, I just could wait. I've already been out a couple of times! ..and it is still coldish here in England.
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