JVC Floyd said:
nope not red but black. tape deck needs belts but the rest works perfectly , looks decent too. just pay the shipping and she's yours .
can't figure out where the thread went to , oh well i'll get her down and take a pic when time permits.
That would be fantastic, thank you! Mine was a red one and there's a sentimental value in that for me but I'll take what I can find, again, thank you.
Tape deck quit on mine too (as well as issues with those cheap ass sliders), and it's probably not JVC's best effort in transports (like almost 100% plastic) but this was my first, and only, piece of furniture when I first move to California back in 1987 (and was still single). Good times.
Bought it on a shopping trip with my landlord who wound up being my best friend and my best man; bought it at Circuit City and still have all of the original paperwork package including the warranty card.
Center of my world for about 3 years until the tape section took a shiat; was then relegated to kitchen radio duties. Eventually started developing other problems so I just shiat canned (literally as in dumpsterized it) it back in the late '90s, along with a very similar REALLY cheap red Toshiba I had bought for my Son when he was just a small child and which was worn out quickly (a TOTAL piece of shiat). NO regrets tossing that one.
Have regretted it ever since. Wasn't all that great sounding but it got the job done (especially after about a case). But like I've said, it's a sentimental thing and I'm at a point in my life (old) where these sort of objects really pull up some bitter sweet almost melancholy memories, like when times were GOOD and I was actually happy for about 5 minutes.
If you have the time and feel like fooling with it, I'd love to have it and will keep it (not a douche flipper con). Just am hoping you're not in New Zealand or somewhere (the shipping cost).
There's a red one on ePay right now (or at least there was a few days back) but it looks pretty beat and it's got issues too. Not to mention a shiat load of paint spatter and who knows what else.
Again, thank you much for your kind offer and let me know if and when you'd feel like dealing with it.
Kind regards,