Can Anyone name a box for me?!

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Member (SA)
About two years ago I saw a box in the UK that had a record player FOLD OUT / down

Much Smaller than a VZ - but the concept of the record player being in the middle was the same - instead of a door - it was the table when put down

But I've never seen one again and forgot the name

Am i making sense at all?! :hmmm:



Boomus Fidelis
i'm pretty sure that radio is made by marantz i dont know the model number though , the box was a champagne gold color with oval speakers.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Was it one of these?

Marantz PMS 6000

Panasonic SGJ-500

Retro Addict

Member (SA)
I had one of those Amstrad's. It sounded reasonable, a bit short on treble but the bass was acceptable and it was fairly loud. The turntable was running slow on mine so I never really played it. The cassette players were fine, and the tuner was good. Hope that helps...
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