call me boomschlong !!

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I Am Legend
i only know of only ONE member -- --who is relentless , aggressive , insistent and downright ruthless :-D :lol:
about acquiring SETS of the same basic box in all the variations// AKAs//colors and
what-nots :-)

except --now that i have finally assembled a complete ( I HOPE ??) line-up
of these 'outsider' sanyos --
i can understand the satisfaction & the utter joy :w00t: :-O :thumbsup:

there MIGHT be a light blue version ?
anyone ever seen or had one ??

anyway --respect to BSL --this took years and years :breakdance:



this thread reveals the final story of the red jobber :angelic:


I Am Legend
in 2 threads -- i forgot to mention the why part ...
why i collect and use this little fellas is that they truly sound terrific - with BASSSSS :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I would like to say that i will now keep a keen eye out
for any other colours for you Ira...................

but in all the years and km's (miles :-D ) spent searching
for boomboxes,,,,,, i have not even seen just 1 of those :sadno:

so to have all those different colours together is :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
thanks arron :angelic: :smooch: :-)

---this is a somewhat confusing line-up :huh:
look at the picture to see that 2 of the 4 colors are not even called " the outsider "
but --all 4 are virtually = the same box
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