C-100 poor Fast forward & Rewind performance FIX

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Member (SA)
Hey all.
The last step before putting my C100 back together was to try and fix the slow and torqueless fast forward and rewind.
Our dear member Caution posted up the fix you do to the tape position wheel (must do fix), although it did improve it,I found even after this mine wasn't the best. It wouldnt rewind or fast forward more than half way through the cassette before the brand new belts start slipping.
What I did with mine was to slightly 'deglaze' the 2 smaller drive nylon cogs with some rolled up 2000 git sand paper to introduce slight more grip..
The performance I must say is back to what it would be like straight out of the box new.. You can even put your finger on the drive capstan and feel the difference in torque
May not suit all owners, but I thought I'd share what worked for me..
Check out the video below..




Well-Known Member
Staff member
I imagine years of use from the belts had burnished those gears. Nice work!


Member (SA)
Interesting! This could be why the looser 9.2" belt (instead of 8.9") worked for others but slipped for me.


Member (SA)
I usually do this with fine grade sandpaper but only if required. Great tip. Always clean with alcohol first.
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