Ok guys to add to the time leaders thing I feel I should point out that the first place in the world to see the new day is GISBORNE,NORTH ISLAND,NZ. And as much as I would love to join my 23 yr old godson in the concert down there alas I will be in Auckland nz at a friends place having a Barbie and seeing in the new year however I will say that he is as EAST AUCKLAND as it gets and so therefore will be bold enough to say that my lovely LASONIC TRC 935 will be the first Brotherhood box to see in the new year. She is loaded with fresh D,s and the pod is charged and ready to go. Any new years songs you want me to play at midnight tomorrow night? Let me know and we will see if our tastes match haha Have a great and safe New Years brothers. SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE moo haha