Boomboxers in Estonia

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Member (SA)
As MyOhMy suggested, i should talk about situation over here. Most of users i see here are from USA, UK and NZ or just "lands of plenty" :-D Well, as Estonia was ex-soviet block country, only Soviet made electronics were retail available (if there were any left), Japanese electronics and boomboxes were sold in special shops that were meant for sailors who could spend their foreign currency there as owning a foreign currency was a crime in Soviet Union. These shops were also meant to tease ordinary Soviet people :-D Boomboxes were sold there, but they were unavailable to ordinary people and just too expensive. Many boomboxes sold here had also OIRT-FM band (65-74Mhz) that are quite useless nowadays.

Today, there are lots of Soviet made electronics and radios for sale, we also have vintage Japanese boomboxes for sale, but they go here for high prices as there is a number of collectors, i know myself 5-6 serious collectors and i´ve visited one, his collection is quite impressing, most valuable items are bought abroad. Here´s a picture with me and his collection:


It´s actually a small part of his fast growing collection. I repair and refurbish his boomboxes if i have free time left, he even gave me his scruffy looking Hitachi 3D7 as a present, best gift i´ve ever got :w00t:

If you want to look around our market, give it a go :

These are most common auction sites over here. Some private sellers and hustlers, nothing else, if lucky, you´ll get a nice piece.

Some are quite nutty boomboxers :lol:

TL;DR: There´s something going on here, but good boxes are worth a dime here and to find one for reasonable price is a struggle.


Member (SA)
Those boxes are legitimate and proper. Very nice collection there. It's cool to see Estonia representing. I wish I could visit and experience some of the history there. I usually try to enjoy a beer with locals in all the countries I would visit. I've had a few Russian beers in Kyrgyzstan with Kyrgyz, Afghans, Spaniards, French and Bulgarians (Coalition forces).


Member (SA)
Good luck to all boomboxers in Estonia! :yes:

Times sounded very.........sparse with regard to audio products in the old soviet days but I have a feeling that things may change as time goes on. More people on the internet means more communication so boomboxers may come together online followed by meet-ups, swaps and the exchange of products, services & knowledge.. Things can only get better!


Member (SA)
Those boxes are legitimate and proper. Very nice collection there. It's cool to see Estonia representing. I wish I could visit and experience some of the history there. I usually try to enjoy a beer with locals in all the countries I would visit. I've had a few Russian beers in Kyrgyzstan with Kyrgyz, Afghans, Spaniards, French and Bulgarians (Coalition forces).
Definitely you should visit Estonia. :yes: He sure does have nice boxes and all legendary boxes, for example Sharp GF-777, GF-800 (even 3 of these), JVC RC-838 and even Super Jumbo. :thumbsup: When you come to Estonia, let me know :lol:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
super quality collection and beautiful display :drool: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :rock:
It sure is, it´s not my collection, but i gotta agree, when i first saw it with my own eye i was just amazed, overwhelming experience, just like a kid in a candy store :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

Thanks for chiming in and telling your story. Amazing how boomboxes were able to creep into every corner of the world, completely unstoppable.

Some serious boomers in that collection!


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Thanks for chiming in and telling your story. Amazing how boomboxes were able to creep into every corner of the world, completely unstoppable.

Some serious boomers in that collection!
It sure is amazing yes :lol: He sure does have brilliant boomboxes, i agree, not all of his boomboxes are shown on photos, only a small part.
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