Boombox Tour- Burning Man, North America and BEYOND!

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Member (SA)
We are taking the BOOMBOX-DRIVEN Decentralized Dance Party on the road again for Party Safari 2011!
Down to Burning Man, across Canada, back through the USA and BEYOND!

Check below for details- hope you guys can make it out to the Parties with your loudest blasters to Party Hearty! ... e-to-party

We're also desperately seeking as many low-end boomboxes as possible to help power the Parties, either donated, or sold to us for cheap.
Please email me if you can help us out!

Finalized dates and details coming soon!



Member (SA)
Wow... Burning Man!

I went in '06.... here are some pics:

You are in for a blast, and will be a huge hit. Maybe establish a new Boombox-themed camp. :w00t: :lol:

If you haven't already been there, I'd like to offer some advice... If you already have heard, or know all of this..., then I apologize....

DO NOT TAKE ANY HOLY GRAIL STATUS BOOMBOXES. TAKE ONLY THOSE THAT ARE BASICALLY DISPOSABLE TO YOU. The playa dust (I have some here in a baggie. LOL) is alkaline-based, super-fine sand and it gets into EVERYTHING!.It is much finer than beach sand, feels almost like chalk.

Also, IMHO, Burning Man is one of the few places glow-stick are cool. I would encourage you to take lots of glow sticks or glow wire and decorate your boomers yourselves. It gets so dark out on the on the playa, away from the action, that people will not see you and run you over on bike. Seriously, seen it happen twice, plus a wicked nasty bike crash because people couldn't see. Seriously. And you may think "why go away from the action" but there are lots of illuminated art structures sprinkled out in the playa that you will want to see, and you will sometimes cross the playa at night to get to different club camps. The best and loudest club camps with the best DJs are at 2 o'clock and 10 o'clock along that interior circular strip called the Esplanade.

(I'm having visions of glowstick boomboxes dancing across the pitch black desert at night. You could totally do some wicked cool displays with that.... )

Take a bike. Burning Man is HUGE!!!!!! The space is bigger than it looks in the pics. Especially if you're walking everywhere.

Oh, and take 3x as much water as you think you will need.

And finally, please stop by Camp Lovepuddle for drinks and a party.... and tell them JT says hi! I was their camp DJ in 2006. :-D


Had a blast! I hope they keep having it so I can look forward to going again.

Take lots of pics and vids!!!!!



Member (SA)
Thanks for all the great advice!
Great pics too!

Did you actually take a boombox down there?
Do you think any we brought would be destroyed 100%???

Can't wait to get down there!


Member (SA)
garylachance said:
Thanks for all the great advice!
Great pics too!

Did you actually take a boombox down there?
Do you think any we brought would be destroyed 100%???

Can't wait to get down there!

I went to BM before I really got heavily into boomers the second time around. (The first time was back in the 80's.)

When I was out there, I was focused on providing music for the camp and being able to play DJ sets that were several hours long. So, I had 2 x Denon DJ CD players that would read MP3 CDs (so I could load lots of tracks at once and not have to swap CDs so often). I also used an inexpensive Behringer DJ mixer. Unless I was playing, I always kept the gear in their cases and covered, and then covered by tarps. My personal gear made it back unscathed, but I did take the cases off, brush and blow everything out with canned air. I got rid of a lot of playa dust that would have surely caused issues had I not done that. And my gear was in cases and stationary.

You will be out there doing you thing, and will invariably get stuck in a small sandstorms kicked up by a dust devil. Several of those can happen every day, and they come without warning. Your boxes will be exposed much more than my gear was, and boomboxes have vents and all kinds of openings. For amplification, I donated two old receivers and some speakers that came from pawn shops to the camp. Curious whether they are still using that stuff or not. Probably not.

As for whether your box will survive or be destroyed 100%, I think that' a bit too alarmist... but I will say that If I were going to Burning Man with you, I'd probably start hunting for something like a beater Panasonic RX-5050 mid size box to take along rather than any that I have on display here at the house. Something relatively disposable to me, with a line-in, so I could use an MP3 player to play music. Or maybe one of them Sony Sports boomboxes with weather sealing.

I think anything portable and mechanical is likely to fail uless it's military grade hardened. Electronics should work ok. Don't take anything "precious." And a boombox's chances of long-term survivablity after a trip to Burning Man is directly relative to it's owners cleaning efforts upon return home. :)

I did some very careful lens swapping with my camera (with hands in the camera bag, to avoid exposure to dust) andand had all of my gear cleaned afterwards.

Look at this guy's shot,,,, Sand will be on you LIKE THAT! It's crazy. Always have a scarf to wrap overr your nose, too.. LOL....

Big fun ahead!


Member (SA)
We'll definitely only be bringing out the cheaper expendable ones.. bags will definitely be in order as well!
Sony Sports models would be perfect- only have a couple, unfortunately...

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