BoomBox Tattoo!!!!! =D

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Member (SA)
So this the model for my tattoo, it's my Nippon FS-2440.

and this is after 4 hours of tattooing, which it is not finished yet...... oh and it's staying black and grey.

Thanks for looking!

Master Z

Member (SA)
Is that your forearm?
It looks great, :thumbsup:
I'm still thinking which box to put on my bicep on my hoisting arm! LOL
Not sure if I want a name brand box on me or one with all the attributes I like. Time will tell. :-)


Member (SA)
I Like it :yes: I too am seriously considering getting a BBX tattoo. Actually I AM going to. I just have to get to a different city where the guys/girls are more talented.


Member (SA)
Master Z said:
s that your forearm?
It looks great,
I'm still thinking which box to put on my bicep on my hoisting arm! LOL
Not sure if I want a name brand box on me or one with all the attributes I like. Time will tell.
Master Z yes thats my right forearm, my left arm is already sleeved up. I had the same dilemma when I was thinking about my tattoo, but I really like the Nippon speaker grills.
I Like it :yes: I too am seriously considering getting a BBX tattoo. Actually I AM going to. I just have to get to a different city where the guys/girls are more talented.
Hey THAFUZZ you should make a trip up to Seattle, and hit up Super Genius Tattoo Shop. ... 01?sk=info I have gotten a couple of tattoos here by different artist and they are all top notch. Nick Beuthien @ Super Genius is doing mine. :thumbsup:
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